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[[Steve Tatham]] is a Naval Officer and expert in military public relations and strategic communication.  He was a public spokesman for the British Military in Sierra Leone (2000), Afghanistan (2001-2002) and Iraq (2003).<ref>[http://www.stevetatham.net Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication], Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10</ref> He is the current Director of Communication Research at the [[UK Defence Academy]]'s [[Advanced Research and Assessment Group]] and is a leading proponent of the doctrine of [[strategic communication]].<ref>[http://www.stevetatham.net Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication], Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10</ref> In 2009 he was seconded to the [[Joint Intelligence Organisation]] in the Cabinet Office on "advanced Horizon Scanning Research on the [[UK National Security Strategy]] (2) project". <ref>[http://www.stevetatham.net Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication], Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10</ref> According to the Cabinet Office this refers to the [[Strategic Horizons Unit]] of the [[Joint Intelligence Organisation]].<ref>Cabinet Office FoI response FOI275654, dated 1 October 2010</ref>
[[Steve Tatham]] is a Naval Officer and expert in military public relations and strategic communication.  He was a public spokesman for the British Military in Sierra Leone (2000), Afghanistan (2001-2002) and Iraq (2003).<ref name="site">Homepage of '[http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/File:Steve_Tatham_Homepage.png stevetatham.net]' the personal webpage of [[Steve Tatham]]. Screengrab taken 4 March 2010</ref> He was the Director of Communication Research at the [[UK Defence Academy]]'s [[Advanced Research and Assessment Group]] and is a leading proponent of the doctrine of [[strategic communication]].<ref>[http://www.stevetatham.net Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication], Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10</ref> In 2009 he was seconded to the [[Joint Intelligence Organisation]] in the Cabinet Office on "advanced Horizon Scanning Research on the [[UK National Security Strategy]] (2) project".<ref name="site"/> According to the Cabinet Office this refers to the [[Strategic Horizons Unit]] of the [[Joint Intelligence Organisation]].<ref>Cabinet Office FoI response FOI275654, dated 1 October 2010</ref>
[[File:Steve Tatham Homepage.png|thumb|right|300px|Homepage of 'stevetatham.net' the personal webpage of [[Steve Tatham]] before all content was removed from the page in late 2010. Screengrab taken 4 March 2010]]
[[File:Steve Tatham Homepage.png|thumb|right|300px|Homepage of 'stevetatham.net' the personal webpage of [[Steve Tatham]] before all content was removed from the page in late 2010. Screengrab taken 4 March 2010]]
==Strategic Communication==
Tatham is the author of "Strategic Communication: A Primer" <ref>Tatham, S.(2008)[http://da.academia.edu/SteveTATHAM/Papers Strategic Communication: A Primer] Advanced Research and Assessment Group Special Series(08/28), accessed 05/10/09</ref>, the British Military's first articulation of Strategic Communication doctrine.  As well as being written to aid the authors of the [[Ministry of Defence]] Doctrine and Concepts Centre's formulation of counter-insurgency doctrine ([[JDP3-40]]) <ref>[http://da.academia.edu/SteveTATHAM/Papers Steve Tatham: Papers] Academia.edu: UK Defence Academy, accessed 05/02/10</ref>, Small Wars Journal has stated that
:Tatham's primer has been followed by the roll out of a Strategic Communication education program across all UK Staff Courses. Trialed initially on the UK's Tri-Service Warrant Officer's course - where the concept was warmly welcomed - it has subsequently been rolled out to the initial (8 week) staff courses (for Lieutenants and Captains), the Advanced (1 year) staff course (for Majors and Lieutenant Colonels) and the Higher Staff Course for very senior officers. <ref>Dillege, D. (2009)[http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/2009/09/commander-steve-tatham-royal-n/ Small Wars Journal: Strategic Communication Primer], Small Wars Journal website, accessed 05/02/10</ref>
* Tatham was listed on his own website as ‘Senior consultant’ at [[Middle East Consultancy International Ltd]] in 2006<ref>Steve Tatham, [http://web.archive.org/web/20060210040831/http://www.stevetatham.net/ Steve Tatham], Website, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 10 February 2006, on 3 December 2010</ref>
*Circa 2010 - Associate Fellow at the [[International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation]], Kings College, London <ref>[http://icsr.info/page/associate-fellows International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation: Associate Fellows], ICSR Website, accessed 05/02/10</ref>
*Circa 2010 - Non-Executive Director of [[Dryad Maritime Intelligence]] <ref name="site"/>
*Listed as 'current Director of Communication Research' at the [[UK Defence Academy]]'s [[Advanced Research and Assessment Group]] on his own website in February 2010, though the ARAG was subsumed into the [[Research & Assessment Branch]] on 1 April 2009<ref name="site"/> and the RAB was itself disbanded on 1 April 2010.<ref>Defence Academy [http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/arag Research and Assessment Branch], accessed 14 December 2010 </ref> Listed as 'Alumnus, Research & Assessment Branch' in February 2011.<ref>Academia.edu [http://da.academia.edu/SteveTATHAM Steve Tatham], Accessed 10 February 2011</ref>
* Circa 2006 - Tatham was listed on his own website as ‘Senior consultant’ at [[Middle East Consultancy International Ltd]] in 2006<ref>Steve Tatham, [http://web.archive.org/web/20060210040831/http://www.stevetatham.net/ Steve Tatham], Website, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 10 February 2006, on 3 December 2010</ref>
* 2009 - seconded to the [[Strategic Horizons Unit]] of the [[Joint Intelligence Organisation]] in the [[Cabinet Office]]<ref name="site"/><ref>Cabinet Office FoI response FOI275654, dated 1 October 2010</ref>
* 2014 [[Military Strategic Effects]]
*[[SCL Defence]]
*[[NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence]]
*[[NATO Strategic Communications]]
*[[Strategy and Security Institute]] Exeter University
*[[British Army Centre for Historical Analysis]]
*[[NATO School Oberammergau for StratCom and Information Operations]]
*[[US Special Forces University for Information Operations]]
[[File:Steve Tatham 1297349130234.png|thumb|right|300px|Homepage of 'stevetatham.net' the personal webpage of Steve Tatham after all content was removed from the page in late 2010. Screengrab taken 10 February 2011]]
===Arab media project===
Tatham listed the following videos on his website as part of a 6 month project with 3 Arab TV channels in Afghanistan on "defeating the AQ [Al Qaeda] image of "The Crusader"  <ref>[http://www.stevetatham.net Steve Tatham: Publications and Projects], Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10</ref>
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ3z2WgC8Fo A Day in the life of  to British soldiers, broadcast on Al-Aribiya], "designed to show the humanity and shared adversity of British and Afghan troops" <ref>[http://www.stevetatham.net Steve Tatham: Publications and Projects], Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10</ref>
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PpLWN1-5UM Al-Arabiya feature], tagged on youtube as "ARAG War on Taliban" - ARAG is the acronym of the [[Advanced Research and Assessment Group]]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb7nx9En02I Al-Arabiya feature], tagged on youtube as "ARAG War on Drugs"
*Steve Tatham [http://www.scribd.com/doc/45319603/Steve-Tatham-Al-Jazeera-Can-It-Make-It-Here-British-Journalism-Review?in_collection=2383030 Al-Jazeera: Can it Make it Here?], ''British Journalism Review'', March 2005, Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2005, pp.47-52
===Books and articles===
*Steve Tatham [http://bjr.sagepub.com/content/16/1/47.abstract Al-Jazeera: Can it Make it Here?], ''British Journalism Review'', March 2005, Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2005, pp.47-52
*Steve Tatham [http://www.tbsjournal.com/Archives/Spring05/tatham.html Losing the Battle for Arab Hearts and Minds], ''TBS Journal'' 14,  Spring 2005.
*Steve Tatham [http://www.military.com/NewContent/0,13190,NI_0805_Jazeera,00.html Al Jazeera: Get Used to It, It's Not Going Away], ''Proceedings'', August 2005
*Steve Tatham [http://www.military.com/NewContent/0,13190,NI_0805_Jazeera,00.html Al Jazeera: Get Used to It, It's Not Going Away], ''Proceedings'', August 2005
*Steve Tatham, ''Losing Arab Hearts & Minds: The Coalition, Al-Jazeera & Muslim Public Opinion'', Hurst & Co, 2006
*Steve Tatham, ''Losing Arab Hearts & Minds: The Coalition, Al-Jazeera & Muslim Public Opinion'', Hurst & Co, 2006
*Steve Tatham [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/572345/Losing_the_info_war_in_Iraq.pdf Losing the Information War in Iraq: The Dynamics between Terrorism and, Public Opinion and the Media], ''Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism'', 2007
*Steve Tatham [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/572345/Losing_the_info_war_in_Iraq.pdf Losing the Information War in Iraq: The Dynamics between Terrorism and, Public Opinion and the Media], ''Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism'', 2007
*Steve Tatham [http://da.academia.edu/SteveTATHAM/Papers/90066/Hearts_and_Minds._Time_to_think_differently Hearts and Minds: Time to Think Differently?], ''Naval Review'', Vol. 96, No. 4, November 2008, pp. 328-328
*Steve Tatham [http://da.academia.edu/SteveTATHAM/Papers/90066/Hearts_and_Minds._Time_to_think_differently Hearts and Minds: Time to Think Differently?], ''Naval Review'', Vol. 96, No. 4, November 2008, pp. 328-328
*Steve Tatham, [http://da.academia.edu/SteveTATHAM/Papers/88461/Strategic_Communication_A_Primer Strategic Communication: A Primer], Advanced Research and Assessment Group, ''Defence Academy of the United Kingdom'', December 2008
*Steve Tatham, [http://da.academia.edu/SteveTATHAM/Papers/88461/Strategic_Communication_A_Primer Strategic Communication: A Primer], Advanced Research and Assessment Group, ''Defence Academy of the United Kingdom'', December 2008
*Steve Tatham and Mohammed El-Katiri [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/320410/09_06__MEK___ST_3.pdf Qatar: A Little Local Difficulty?], Research and Assessment Branch, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, August 2009
*Steve Tatham and Mohammed El-Katiri [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/320410/09_06__MEK___ST_3.pdf Qatar: A Little Local Difficulty?], Research and Assessment Branch, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, August 2009
*Steve Tatham [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/374482/Tatham_20book_20review.pdf Book Review: Martin Bell, The Truth that Sticks: New Labour's Breach of Trust], ''Media, War & Conflict,'' Vol.2, No.2, August 2009, pp.234-236
*Steve Tatham [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/374482/Tatham_20book_20review.pdf Book Review: Martin Bell, The Truth that Sticks: New Labour's Breach of Trust], ''Media, War & Conflict,'' Vol.2, No.2, August 2009, pp.234-236
*Steve Tatham  [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/505915/The_British_Army_Oct_2009_BW.pdf Strategic Communication: An Important New Discipline], ''The British Army'', October 2009, pp.128-129
*Steve Tatham  [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/505915/The_British_Army_Oct_2009_BW.pdf Strategic Communication: An Important New Discipline], ''The British Army'', October 2009, pp.128-129
*Steve Tatham and [[Andrew Mackay]], [https://web.archive.org/web/20100702212742/http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/arag/document-listings/monographs/091216%20FINAL.pdf Behavioural Conflict: From General to Strategic Corporal: Complexity, Adaptation and Influence], ''The Shrivenham Papers'', No. 9, December 2009
*Steve Tatham and Andrew Mackay, [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/586877/091216_FINAL.pdf Behavioural Conflict: From General to Strategic Corporal: Complexity, Adaptation and Influence], ''The Shrivenh Papers'', No. 9, December 2009
*Steve Tatham and [[Lee Rowland]], [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/1203290/Rowlands_TathamInfluencepaper.pdf Strategic Communication & Infuence Operations: Do We Really Get It?],  ''Defence Academy of the United Kingdom,'' July 2010
*Steve Tatham (2009) [http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/journal/docs-temp/290-tatham.pdf Tactical Strategic Communication! Placing Informational Effect at the Centre of Command], ''Small Wars Journal'', originally published in ''British Army Review''.
*Steve Tatham and Lee Rowland, [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/1203290/Rowlands_TathamInfluencepaper.pdf Strategic Communication & Infuence Operations: Do We Really Get It?],  ''Defence Academy of the United Kingdom,'' July 2010
*Steve Tatham [http://academia.edu.documents.s3.amazonaws.com/356926/290-tatham.pdf Tactical Strategic Communication! Placing Informational Effect at the Centre of Command], ''Small Wars Journal'', date unknown

Latest revision as of 19:55, 14 June 2023

Steve Tatham is a Naval Officer and expert in military public relations and strategic communication. He was a public spokesman for the British Military in Sierra Leone (2000), Afghanistan (2001-2002) and Iraq (2003).[1] He was the Director of Communication Research at the UK Defence Academy's Advanced Research and Assessment Group and is a leading proponent of the doctrine of strategic communication.[2] In 2009 he was seconded to the Joint Intelligence Organisation in the Cabinet Office on "advanced Horizon Scanning Research on the UK National Security Strategy (2) project".[1] According to the Cabinet Office this refers to the Strategic Horizons Unit of the Joint Intelligence Organisation.[3]

Homepage of 'stevetatham.net' the personal webpage of Steve Tatham before all content was removed from the page in late 2010. Screengrab taken 4 March 2010

Strategic Communication

Tatham is the author of "Strategic Communication: A Primer" [4], the British Military's first articulation of Strategic Communication doctrine. As well as being written to aid the authors of the Ministry of Defence Doctrine and Concepts Centre's formulation of counter-insurgency doctrine (JDP3-40) [5], Small Wars Journal has stated that

Tatham's primer has been followed by the roll out of a Strategic Communication education program across all UK Staff Courses. Trialed initially on the UK's Tri-Service Warrant Officer's course - where the concept was warmly welcomed - it has subsequently been rolled out to the initial (8 week) staff courses (for Lieutenants and Captains), the Advanced (1 year) staff course (for Majors and Lieutenant Colonels) and the Higher Staff Course for very senior officers. [6]



Homepage of 'stevetatham.net' the personal webpage of Steve Tatham after all content was removed from the page in late 2010. Screengrab taken 10 February 2011

Arab media project

Tatham listed the following videos on his website as part of a 6 month project with 3 Arab TV channels in Afghanistan on "defeating the AQ [Al Qaeda] image of "The Crusader" [12]

Books and articles


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Homepage of 'stevetatham.net' the personal webpage of Steve Tatham. Screengrab taken 4 March 2010
  2. Steve Tatham: Strategic Communication, Steve Tatham website, accessed 03/01/10
  3. Cabinet Office FoI response FOI275654, dated 1 October 2010
  4. Tatham, S.(2008)Strategic Communication: A Primer Advanced Research and Assessment Group Special Series(08/28), accessed 05/10/09
  5. Steve Tatham: Papers Academia.edu: UK Defence Academy, accessed 05/02/10
  6. Dillege, D. (2009)Small Wars Journal: Strategic Communication Primer, Small Wars Journal website, accessed 05/02/10
  7. International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation: Associate Fellows, ICSR Website, accessed 05/02/10
  8. Defence Academy Research and Assessment Branch, accessed 14 December 2010
  9. Academia.edu Steve Tatham, Accessed 10 February 2011
  10. Steve Tatham, Steve Tatham, Website, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 10 February 2006, on 3 December 2010
  11. Cabinet Office FoI response FOI275654, dated 1 October 2010
  12. Steve Tatham: Publications and Projects, Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10
  13. Steve Tatham: Publications and Projects, Steve Tatham website, accessed 05/02/10