Military Strategic Effects

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Military Strategic Effects is a propaganda unit of the British military - the successor unit , created in 2013, to Targeting and Information Operations‎.

According to a Ministry of Defence FoI release, MSE had 34 staff in mid 2018.[1]


  • 15th March 2018 - Air Commodore N J Colman OBE to be Head Military Strategic Effects in the Ministry of Defence in April 2018 in succession to Air Commodore J Burr CBE DFC whose appointment as Deputy Commander NATO Air Command Afghanistan in April 2018 has previously been announced. [2]
  • 29th May 2015 Air Commodore J Burr CBE DFC to be Head Military Strategic Effects in the Ministry of Defence in July 2015 in succession to Air Commodore C E J Brazier CBE who is leaving the Service.[2]


  1. Establishment/complement of staff in the communication related units FoI disclosure to Prof David Miller Our Ref: FOI2018/06239 6 June 2018.
  2. 2.0 2.1 RAF Senior Appointments. Accessed 17 December 2018.
  3. LinkedIn Damian M. Accessed 17 December 2018.