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The [[Nuclear Industry Association]] (NIA) is the trade association and "representative voice" of the UK’s civil nuclear industry. It represents almost 60,000 UK nuclear workers across more than 260 member companies.<ref>[http://www.niauk.org Home page], Nuclear Industry Association, undated, accessed 29 October 2012</ref>
*For an overview of NIA lobbying up until 2007 see [[Lobbying by the NIA in the mid-noughties]].
==Spinning Fukushima==
In June 2011, the NIA was involved in a public relations strategy to play down the Fukushima nuclear accident before the full extent of the radiation leak was known.
''The Guardian'' revealed that an official at the [[ Department for Business, Innovation and Skills]] emailed the NIA and nuclear companies on 13 March 2011, two days after the disaster. The official argued it was not as bad as the "dramatic" TV pictures made it seem – even though two explosions at reactors on the site were yet to happen. The official said that if companies sent in their comments, they could be incorporated into briefs to ministers and government statements.
On 7 April 2011, the [[Department for Energy and Climate Change]]'s [[Office for Nuclear Development]] invited companies to attend a meeting at the NIA's headquarters in London. The aim was "to discuss a joint communications and engagement strategy aimed at ensuring we maintain confidence among the British public on the safety of nuclear power stations and nuclear new-build policy in light of recent events at the Fukushima nuclear power plant".<ref>Rob Edwards, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/jun/30/british-government-plan-play-down-fukushima?INTCMP=SRCH Revealed: British government's plan to play down Fukushima], ''The Guardian'', 30 June 2011</ref>
==Access to Government intelligence==
In December 2011, ''The Guardian'' revealed how the [[Office for Nuclear Development]] was "quietly exchanging intelligence on key policies" with nuclear companies and the NIA "in an effort to protect and promote their plans for new nuclear power stations".
It sent the body details of its court battle against [[Greenpeace]], which was trying to block the Government's nuclear plans.<ref>Rob Edwards, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/dec/05/uk-government-intelligence-nuclear-industry?INTCMP=SRCH UK government shared intelligence with nuclear industry, documents show], ''The Guardian'', 5 December 2011</ref> (Its action was dropped in October 2013).
== Friends in high places==
In May 2010, the NIA reacted positively to the formation of the Coalition government. Although worried by the appointment of the then Energy Secretary [[Chris Huhne]], the NIA was “particularly pleased to see the appointment of [[Charles Hendry]] to the Energy job.”
At the NIA's Summer Party at the [[Royal Society]], Hendry applauded the efforts of the industry in readying itself for "a nuclear renaissance". “I am always impressed by the nuclear industry. I have enjoyed working with many of you in my former role in opposition – and now that I am part of this new government I look forward to working with you to deliver a secure energy future for the UK,” he said.<ref> John McNamara, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_29.pdf What a Party that Was!], IndustryLink, Issue No.29, Autumn 2010</ref>
The NIA was quick to spin its low-carbon message to other members of the new Coalition government. [[Keith Parker]], the head of the NIA said: “We will continue to get our key message, that nuclear should be at the heart of the UK’s low-carbon agenda, across to the most influential audiences.” The NIA’s Public Affairs and Communications teams were said to be “busy making contact to continue representing the industry to key policymakers and politicians of influence”. <ref> John McNamara, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_28.pdf New friends in high places as government beds in], Industry Link, Issue No.28, Summer 2010, p5 </ref>
“Starting at the TUC in September and finishing with the Conservatives in Birmingham, in early October, the NIA will be exhibiting, debating, networking, defending and messaging on behalf of UK nuclear,” wrote the NIA’s then Head of Media and Public Relations at the NIA. <ref> John McNamara, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_29.pdf Editor’s Eye], IndustryLink, Issue No.29 Autumn 2010, p3</ref>
A year later, the NIA was also extremely active at the Party Conference season. Its newsletter described how the “NIA descended on Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester for 3 weeks of engagement with politicians, grassroots party members and other organisations.” The NIA’s favourite minister, Energy Minister Charles Hendry MP spoke to a packed out room at Conservative Party Conference. His conference speech recognised nuclear energy to be “the cheapest low-carbon source of electricity, so it can keep bills down and the lights on."<ref> IndustryLink, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_34.pdf Political Conference Season 2011], Issue No.34 Winter 2011, p10-11</ref>
== Working with the Government on the carbon floor price ==
Keith Parker was quick to let slip that the NIA was seeking to lobby the government on the carbon floor price, a key mechanism by which the government might surreptitiously subsidise nuclear. “We look forward to working with [[Chris Huhne]] and his team and we note the encouraging words on setting a carbon price, something the industry is supporting, to send a clear signal to investors that low carbon technologies including renewables and nuclear play the key role in delivering the UK’s energy future.” <ref> John McNamara, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_28.pdf New friends in high places as government beds in], IndustryLink, Issue No.28, Summer 2010, p5 </ref>
=='We must learn lessons” of Fukushima' ==
After the Fukushima disaster, Keith Parker, the head of the NIA wrote that the “UK has made huge progress in recent years in turning around what was generally regarded as a sunset industry, enduring a slow and not very graceful decline, into one with bright and optimistic prospects that is destined now to be a cornerstone of the nation’s energy needs well into the future".
Despite this, he praised the government’s “sensible and measured approach” in response to the catastrophic accident at Fukushima, arguing that “we have to be prepared to learn and apply the lessons of Japan just as we did the lessons of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.” <ref> Keith Parker, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_31.pdf From the Top], IndustryLink, Issue No.31 Spring 2011, p8 </ref>
=='Support for nuclear new build now the highest it has ever been' ==
In spring 2012, the [[Nuclear Industry Association]] (NIA) argued that “After the unprecedented tsunami in Japan last March and the damage inflicted upon the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, it was hardly surprising that a poll conducted in June 2011 saw a drop in public support for nuclear, with the results showing that people with favourable opinions about nuclear fell from 40% to 28% and unfavourable opinions increased from 17% to 24%.”
It continued: “However, a recent survey conducted in December 2011 by Ipsos MORI has indicated that the dip in support for nuclear energy has been short-lived, with figures all but returning to those marked in polls conducted before Fukushima - favourability towards the industry recovered to 40% and unfavourable opinions reduced to 19%.”
Keith Parker argued that, "The poll clearly shows that public opinion has not only recovered from last summer’s dip but it has also resumed its gradual year-on year improvement. The 50% support figure for new build is the highest it has ever been." <ref> NIA, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_35.pdf Nuclear: What do the public think?], ''IndustryLink'', Issue No.35 Spring 2012 </ref>
However, Professor [[Nick Pidgeon]], Director of the Understanding Risk Programme, Cardiff University, giving evidence to the House of Commons [[Science and Technology Select Committee]] argues that “a large proportion of recent support” for nuclear power “remain[s] conditional - a 'reluctant acceptance' at best" and added that "while many more in Britain have indeed come to support nuclear power over the past decade they do so while viewing it only as a 'devil's bargain', a choice of last resort in the face of the threat of climate change”. <ref> Science and Technology Select Committee, [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmsctech/428/42805.htm Devil's bargain? Energy risks and the public], 9 July 2012</ref>
==Nuclear revolving door ==
In mid-June 2011, the former Secretary of State for Energy, [[John Hutton]], became the Chair of the NIA.
The NIA’s chief executive Keith Parker said, “We are at a key point for the development of the UK’s nuclear industry and we are delighted to welcome John Hutton as our chairman. In the wake of the events in Japan we must continue to move forward with confidence and credibility - and help the UK meet it’s security of supply and climate change goals. John Hutton is recognised internationally and he is the ideal person to lead the industry forward.” <ref> John McNamara, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_32.pdf John Hutton announced as NIA chairman], IndustryLink, Issue No.32 Summer 2011 </ref>
== Labour government commends NIA for low carbon message ==
* [[Philip Dewhurst]]- Chair
At the 2010 Energy Choices conference, the then Energy Minister [[Lord Hunt]] said: “I must commend the work of the NIA in helping to get the positive message across that nuclear is an essential part of a low carbon future for the UK.” <ref> John McNamara, [http://www.niauk.org/images/industry_link/industrylink_27.pdf NIA’s Energy Choices strikes a chord], IndustryLink 27, Jan/Feb/March 2010 </ref>
* [[Keith Parker]] - Chief Executive  
*[[John Hutton|Lord Hutton of Furness]], Chairman from June 2011
* [[Keith Parker]], Chief Executive from Sept 2003. Joined the NIA in 1995 from the UK [[Department of Trade and Industry]] and two years later became head of corporate communications.
* [[Kirsty Alexander]], Head of Communications
* [[Alastair Evans]], Communications Officer
* [[Sandra Evenden]], Accounts Administrator
* [[Hannah Grimsley]], Public Affairs Officer
* [[Peter Haslam]], Public Policy Advisor
* [[Veronica Lekavicius]], Head of Administration
* [[Rupert Lewis]], Communications Executive
* [[Stephanie McKenna]], Members Relations Manager
* [[Dan Powney]], Website and Marketing Officer
* [[Nikki Powney]], Member Relations and PA to the Chief Executive
* [[Stephen Tustin]], Accountant
* [[Norman Buckley]] Business Development Manager  
===Former personnel===
* [[Martin O'Neill]] (Lord O'Neill of Clackmannan) was chairman for three years until June 2011
* [[Philip Dewhurst]], Former chairman
* [[Simon James]], Communications Manager
* [[John McNamara]] <ref> Gavin Stamp, [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-11096716 Lib Dems face extra lobbying push], BBC News, in Liverpool, 20 September 2010, accessed 8 May 2010 </ref> - now head of corporate communications at [[NuGen]] <ref> [http://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-mcnamara/24/4a8/b74 John McNamara], LinkedIn profile, undated, acc 4 October 2013 </ref>
* [[Sandra Evenden]] Accounts Administrator
*[[Bell Pottinger Public Affairs]] handles public affairs for the NIA in 2014-2015
* [[Simon James]] Communications Manager
==NIA Members==
[[ABB]] Limited | [[AECL]] | [[AK Engineering Services]] | [[Alpha Engineering]] | [[ALSTEC]] | [[AMEC]] Group | [[AMEC NNC]] | [[AN Technology]] | [[Arup]] | [[Ashurst]] | [[Atentis]] Limited | [[AT Group]] Ltd | [[Atkins Nuclear]] | [[AWE]] Plc | [[Bechtel Management Company]] Ltd |  [[Birse Nuclear]] | [[BNFL]] | [[Boulting Group]] Plc | [[Bradtec Decon Technologies]] Ltd | [[British Energy]] Plc | [[British Shielding Windows]] Ltd | [[Brown and Mason]] Ltd | [[Canberra Harwell]] Ltd | [[Capula]] Ltd | [[Carillion]] Plc | [[Cee Vee Engineering]] Ltd | [[Centronic]] Ltd | [[CH2M Hill]] | [[CMS Cameron McKenna]] | [[Corbis Consulting]] Ltd | [[Corus Northern Engineering Services]] | [[Corus Process Engineering]] | [[Costain Oil, Gas and Process]] Ltd | [[Data Systems & Solution]] Ltd | [[Day & Zimmerman]] Ltd | [[DentonWildeSapte]] | [[Different by Design]] | [[DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary]] | [[E C Harris]] | [[Edmund Nuttall]] Ltd | [[Electrowatt-Ekono]] (UK) Ltd [[Energy Institute]] | [[Entec UK]] Ltd | [[Fathoms]] Ltd | [[FCx Thompson Valves]] | [[Fluor]] Government Group | [[Foster Wheeler Energy]] Ltd |  [[Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer]] | [[GENII Engineering & Technology Training]] Ltd | [[Gleeds]] | [[Golder Associates]] (UK) Ltd | [[Gravatom Engineering Systems]] Ltd | [[H Smith (Engineers)]] Ltd | [[Halcrow Group]] Ltd | [[Hammonds]] | [[Herbert Smith]] | [[Hertel Services]] Ltd |  [[Hochtief (UK) Construction]] Ltd | [[Hogan & Hartson]] | [[IJS Consultants]] | [[Imaging & Sensing Technology]] Ltd | [[IMI Components]] | [[Imperial College]] London | [[INBIS Group]] Plc | [[Jacobs Babtie]] Ltd | [[Jacobs]] Ltd | [[Jordan Engineering UK]] Ltd | [[KDC Group]] | [[Kier Construction]] | [[Laboratory Impex Systems]]  | [[Lumis]] LLP | [[Marubeni Europe]] Plc | [[McGrigors]] | [[Mitsui Babcock Energy]] Ltd | MHF Logistical Solutions | [[Montgomery Watson Harza]] | [[Mott MacDonald]] | [[Mowlem Nuclear Services]] Ltd | [[Nirex]] | [[NIS Group]] | [[Northwest Development Agency]] | [[Norton Rose]] | [[Norwest Holst Construction]] Ltd | [[Nuclear Engineering Services]] Ltd | [[Nuclear Risk Insurers]] Ltd | [[Nuclear Technologies]] Plc | [[Nu-Tech Associates]] | [[One North East | [[Parsons Brinckerhoff]] Limited | [[Pinsent Masons Solicitors]] | [[Praxis High Intergrity Systems]] Ltd | Radwise Limited | Redcliffe Ltd | [[RM Consultants]] Ltd | [[RTS Innovation]] Ltd | [[RWE NUKEM]] Ltd | [[Scottish Enterprise Energy Team]] | [[SEC-UK Nuclear]] Ltd | [[Semple Fraser]] | [[Speechly Bircham]] | [[SERCO]] Assurance | [[Simmons & Simmons]] | [[Sinclair Knight Merz]] | [[Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd]] | [[SMT Consulting]] | [[Southern Scientific]] Ltd | [[Speechly Bircham]] | [[Studsvik UK]] Ltd | [[Syngensis]] Ltd | [[Taylor Woodrow Construction]] | The [[Engineering Business]] Ltd | [[Thermo Electron Corporation]] | [[Tokyo Electric Power Company]] Inc | [[Trinity May]] Ltd | [[UKAEA]] | [[Urenco]] Ltd | [[URS Corporation]] Ltd | [[VECTRA Group]] Limited | [[Washington E&C]] Ltd | [[Weir Strachan & Henshaw]] Ltd | [[Weir Valves & Controls UK]] Ltd. | [[WSP Environmental]] <ref>The Nuclear Industry Association website is [http://www.niauk.org/ here], although the list was removed from the website in early 2006. This list was current up until January, 2006.</ref>
* [[Miranda Kirschel]] -Corporate Affairs Manager
==Evidence to government committees==
*[http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmsctech/428/428vw10.htm Science & Technology Committee Written evidence submitted by the Nuclear Industry Association (Risk 11)], 14 December 2011
==In Bed With the Sceptics==
*[[Nuclear Industry Association]] was a donor to the [[Science Media Centre]] in 2013 according to the SMC.<ref>Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013.
*Aug 2013 Science Media Centre, 'Funding' August 2013 screengrab of http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/about-us/funding/, taken 16 August 2013.
The NIA has had close involvement with the known climate sceptic and pro-GM organisation the [[Scientific Alliance]] in their joint quest to push nuclear power.
In NIA's October/November 2003, newsletter, Mia Nybrant from the Scientific Alliance wrote that "The goal of truly sustainable and emissions friendly energy has to include the nuclear industry."
*See Powerbase profile on [[NIA Programme Management Board]]
*Rob Edwards, [http://www.spinwatch.org/-articles-by-category-mainmenu-8/67-nuclear/5487-waiving-the-rules-to-keep-the-nuclear-power-programme-on-course Waiving the rules to keep the nuclear power programme on course], Private Eye, 21 March 2012
*Nuclear Industry Association, [http://www.nuclearsupplychain.com/new-industry-map UK Nuclear Industry Map], SC@nuclear project
Nybant addded that "The Scientific Alliance has been playing a key role in challenging government energy policy. The highlight of the campaign so far was the The conference 2020 vision – powering the UK’s future in May this year, which examined the scientific underpinnings of the major energy sources as set out in the Energy White Paper, and facilitated dialogue between the DTI and stakeholders. Adrian Ham, former Chief Executive of the NIA, put forward the case for nuclear power to retain a role in UK energy supply, warning of the perils of increased reliance on gas and the loss of nuclear expertise."
:Carlton House
:22a St James’s Square
:London SW1Y 4JH
:Tel: +44(0)20 7766 6640
:Fax: +44(0)20 7839 1523
:Email: info@niauk.org
Nybrant talked about the clear need to change government policy: "Given the current state of the debate, there are clear challenges for the nuclear industry; however, they are not insurmountable as long as there is a focused programme to change the current government policy." [http://www.niauk.org/industrylink/article_46.shtml]
Just under a year later, in September 2004, the two organisations held two joint seminars on "Nuclear Solutions - The Finnish Experience". The first was at Portcullis House, in Westminster.
[http://www.scientific-alliance.org/events_items/future_events/nuclearsolutions_seminar.htm] The second was in Brighton to coincide with the Labour Party Conference. The chair of the second event was Bill Olner MP, from the [[All Party Parliamentary Group on Nuclear Energy]]
In June 2005, the NIA held a a futher debate with the Alliance called "The Challenge for Nuclear: The Policy, the Science and the Need for Public Engagement."[http://www.scientific-alliance.org/pdf/The%20Challenge%20for%20Nuclear%20-%20Proceedings.pdf]
* S. Evenden [http://www.powerbase.info/images/1/1c/Nuc66.pdf Email Re: ''Labour party conference fringe event on trade 28/9/05'' (pdf)], 6 October, 2005.
==Nuclear Training==
* K. Parker [http://www.spinprofiles.org/images/5/52/Nuc59.pdf Email Re: ''Service agreement for SONE'' (pdf)], 8 June, 2004.
[[Category:Nuclear Spin]]
[[Category:Nuclear: UK]]
[[Category:Pro-nuclear organisations]]
[[Category:Nuclear revolving door]]
[[Category:Science Media Centre]]

Latest revision as of 01:24, 10 March 2015

Nuclear spin.png This article is part of the Nuclear Spin project of Spinwatch.

The Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) is the trade association and "representative voice" of the UK’s civil nuclear industry. It represents almost 60,000 UK nuclear workers across more than 260 member companies.[1]

Spinning Fukushima

In June 2011, the NIA was involved in a public relations strategy to play down the Fukushima nuclear accident before the full extent of the radiation leak was known.

The Guardian revealed that an official at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills emailed the NIA and nuclear companies on 13 March 2011, two days after the disaster. The official argued it was not as bad as the "dramatic" TV pictures made it seem – even though two explosions at reactors on the site were yet to happen. The official said that if companies sent in their comments, they could be incorporated into briefs to ministers and government statements.

On 7 April 2011, the Department for Energy and Climate Change's Office for Nuclear Development invited companies to attend a meeting at the NIA's headquarters in London. The aim was "to discuss a joint communications and engagement strategy aimed at ensuring we maintain confidence among the British public on the safety of nuclear power stations and nuclear new-build policy in light of recent events at the Fukushima nuclear power plant".[2]

Access to Government intelligence

In December 2011, The Guardian revealed how the Office for Nuclear Development was "quietly exchanging intelligence on key policies" with nuclear companies and the NIA "in an effort to protect and promote their plans for new nuclear power stations".

It sent the body details of its court battle against Greenpeace, which was trying to block the Government's nuclear plans.[3] (Its action was dropped in October 2013).

Friends in high places

In May 2010, the NIA reacted positively to the formation of the Coalition government. Although worried by the appointment of the then Energy Secretary Chris Huhne, the NIA was “particularly pleased to see the appointment of Charles Hendry to the Energy job.”

At the NIA's Summer Party at the Royal Society, Hendry applauded the efforts of the industry in readying itself for "a nuclear renaissance". “I am always impressed by the nuclear industry. I have enjoyed working with many of you in my former role in opposition – and now that I am part of this new government I look forward to working with you to deliver a secure energy future for the UK,” he said.[4]

The NIA was quick to spin its low-carbon message to other members of the new Coalition government. Keith Parker, the head of the NIA said: “We will continue to get our key message, that nuclear should be at the heart of the UK’s low-carbon agenda, across to the most influential audiences.” The NIA’s Public Affairs and Communications teams were said to be “busy making contact to continue representing the industry to key policymakers and politicians of influence”. [5]

“Starting at the TUC in September and finishing with the Conservatives in Birmingham, in early October, the NIA will be exhibiting, debating, networking, defending and messaging on behalf of UK nuclear,” wrote the NIA’s then Head of Media and Public Relations at the NIA. [6]

A year later, the NIA was also extremely active at the Party Conference season. Its newsletter described how the “NIA descended on Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester for 3 weeks of engagement with politicians, grassroots party members and other organisations.” The NIA’s favourite minister, Energy Minister Charles Hendry MP spoke to a packed out room at Conservative Party Conference. His conference speech recognised nuclear energy to be “the cheapest low-carbon source of electricity, so it can keep bills down and the lights on."[7]

Working with the Government on the carbon floor price

Keith Parker was quick to let slip that the NIA was seeking to lobby the government on the carbon floor price, a key mechanism by which the government might surreptitiously subsidise nuclear. “We look forward to working with Chris Huhne and his team and we note the encouraging words on setting a carbon price, something the industry is supporting, to send a clear signal to investors that low carbon technologies including renewables and nuclear play the key role in delivering the UK’s energy future.” [8]

'We must learn lessons” of Fukushima'

After the Fukushima disaster, Keith Parker, the head of the NIA wrote that the “UK has made huge progress in recent years in turning around what was generally regarded as a sunset industry, enduring a slow and not very graceful decline, into one with bright and optimistic prospects that is destined now to be a cornerstone of the nation’s energy needs well into the future".

Despite this, he praised the government’s “sensible and measured approach” in response to the catastrophic accident at Fukushima, arguing that “we have to be prepared to learn and apply the lessons of Japan just as we did the lessons of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.” [9]

'Support for nuclear new build now the highest it has ever been'

In spring 2012, the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) argued that “After the unprecedented tsunami in Japan last March and the damage inflicted upon the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, it was hardly surprising that a poll conducted in June 2011 saw a drop in public support for nuclear, with the results showing that people with favourable opinions about nuclear fell from 40% to 28% and unfavourable opinions increased from 17% to 24%.”

It continued: “However, a recent survey conducted in December 2011 by Ipsos MORI has indicated that the dip in support for nuclear energy has been short-lived, with figures all but returning to those marked in polls conducted before Fukushima - favourability towards the industry recovered to 40% and unfavourable opinions reduced to 19%.”

Keith Parker argued that, "The poll clearly shows that public opinion has not only recovered from last summer’s dip but it has also resumed its gradual year-on year improvement. The 50% support figure for new build is the highest it has ever been." [10]

However, Professor Nick Pidgeon, Director of the Understanding Risk Programme, Cardiff University, giving evidence to the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee argues that “a large proportion of recent support” for nuclear power “remain[s] conditional - a 'reluctant acceptance' at best" and added that "while many more in Britain have indeed come to support nuclear power over the past decade they do so while viewing it only as a 'devil's bargain', a choice of last resort in the face of the threat of climate change”. [11]

Nuclear revolving door

In mid-June 2011, the former Secretary of State for Energy, John Hutton, became the Chair of the NIA.

The NIA’s chief executive Keith Parker said, “We are at a key point for the development of the UK’s nuclear industry and we are delighted to welcome John Hutton as our chairman. In the wake of the events in Japan we must continue to move forward with confidence and credibility - and help the UK meet it’s security of supply and climate change goals. John Hutton is recognised internationally and he is the ideal person to lead the industry forward.” [12]

Labour government commends NIA for low carbon message

At the 2010 Energy Choices conference, the then Energy Minister Lord Hunt said: “I must commend the work of the NIA in helping to get the positive message across that nuclear is an essential part of a low carbon future for the UK.” [13]


Former personnel


NIA Members

ABB Limited | AECL | AK Engineering Services | Alpha Engineering | ALSTEC | AMEC Group | AMEC NNC | AN Technology | Arup | Ashurst | Atentis Limited | AT Group Ltd | Atkins Nuclear | AWE Plc | Bechtel Management Company Ltd | Birse Nuclear | BNFL | Boulting Group Plc | Bradtec Decon Technologies Ltd | British Energy Plc | British Shielding Windows Ltd | Brown and Mason Ltd | Canberra Harwell Ltd | Capula Ltd | Carillion Plc | Cee Vee Engineering Ltd | Centronic Ltd | CH2M Hill | CMS Cameron McKenna | Corbis Consulting Ltd | Corus Northern Engineering Services | Corus Process Engineering | Costain Oil, Gas and Process Ltd | Data Systems & Solution Ltd | Day & Zimmerman Ltd | DentonWildeSapte | Different by Design | DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary | E C Harris | Edmund Nuttall Ltd | Electrowatt-Ekono (UK) Ltd Energy Institute | Entec UK Ltd | Fathoms Ltd | FCx Thompson Valves | Fluor Government Group | Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd | Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer | GENII Engineering & Technology Training Ltd | Gleeds | Golder Associates (UK) Ltd | Gravatom Engineering Systems Ltd | H Smith (Engineers) Ltd | Halcrow Group Ltd | Hammonds | Herbert Smith | Hertel Services Ltd | Hochtief (UK) Construction Ltd | Hogan & Hartson | IJS Consultants | Imaging & Sensing Technology Ltd | IMI Components | Imperial College London | INBIS Group Plc | Jacobs Babtie Ltd | Jacobs Ltd | Jordan Engineering UK Ltd | KDC Group | Kier Construction | Laboratory Impex Systems | Lumis LLP | Marubeni Europe Plc | McGrigors | Mitsui Babcock Energy Ltd | MHF Logistical Solutions | Montgomery Watson Harza | Mott MacDonald | Mowlem Nuclear Services Ltd | Nirex | NIS Group | Northwest Development Agency | Norton Rose | Norwest Holst Construction Ltd | Nuclear Engineering Services Ltd | Nuclear Risk Insurers Ltd | Nuclear Technologies Plc | Nu-Tech Associates | [[One North East | Parsons Brinckerhoff Limited | Pinsent Masons Solicitors | Praxis High Intergrity Systems Ltd | Radwise Limited | Redcliffe Ltd | RM Consultants Ltd | RTS Innovation Ltd | RWE NUKEM Ltd | Scottish Enterprise Energy Team | SEC-UK Nuclear Ltd | Semple Fraser | Speechly Bircham | SERCO Assurance | Simmons & Simmons | Sinclair Knight Merz | Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd | SMT Consulting | Southern Scientific Ltd | Speechly Bircham | Studsvik UK Ltd | Syngensis Ltd | Taylor Woodrow Construction | The Engineering Business Ltd | Thermo Electron Corporation | Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc | Trinity May Ltd | UKAEA | Urenco Ltd | URS Corporation Ltd | VECTRA Group Limited | Washington E&C Ltd | Weir Strachan & Henshaw Ltd | Weir Valves & Controls UK Ltd. | WSP Environmental [16]

Evidence to government committees




Carlton House
22a St James’s Square
London SW1Y 4JH
Tel: +44(0)20 7766 6640
Fax: +44(0)20 7839 1523
Email: info@niauk.org


  1. Home page, Nuclear Industry Association, undated, accessed 29 October 2012
  2. Rob Edwards, Revealed: British government's plan to play down Fukushima, The Guardian, 30 June 2011
  3. Rob Edwards, UK government shared intelligence with nuclear industry, documents show, The Guardian, 5 December 2011
  4. John McNamara, What a Party that Was!, IndustryLink, Issue No.29, Autumn 2010
  5. John McNamara, New friends in high places as government beds in, Industry Link, Issue No.28, Summer 2010, p5
  6. John McNamara, Editor’s Eye, IndustryLink, Issue No.29 Autumn 2010, p3
  7. IndustryLink, Political Conference Season 2011, Issue No.34 Winter 2011, p10-11
  8. John McNamara, New friends in high places as government beds in, IndustryLink, Issue No.28, Summer 2010, p5
  9. Keith Parker, From the Top, IndustryLink, Issue No.31 Spring 2011, p8
  10. NIA, Nuclear: What do the public think?, IndustryLink, Issue No.35 Spring 2012
  11. Science and Technology Select Committee, Devil's bargain? Energy risks and the public, 9 July 2012
  12. John McNamara, John Hutton announced as NIA chairman, IndustryLink, Issue No.32 Summer 2011
  13. John McNamara, NIA’s Energy Choices strikes a chord, IndustryLink 27, Jan/Feb/March 2010
  14. Gavin Stamp, Lib Dems face extra lobbying push, BBC News, in Liverpool, 20 September 2010, accessed 8 May 2010
  15. John McNamara, LinkedIn profile, undated, acc 4 October 2013
  16. The Nuclear Industry Association website is here, although the list was removed from the website in early 2006. This list was current up until January, 2006.
  17. Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013.
