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Spinprofiles also focuses on communication, spin and propaganda in party politics and in war and peace. The database contains collections of articles on [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:British_Propaganda British propaganda], the theory and practice of [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Counterinsurgency counterinsurgency], the [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Neocons neoconservatives], the [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Israel_Lobby Israel lobby] and the [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Terrorologist terror experts] and the associated [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Terrorism_Industry terrorism industry], which can influence public opinion public policy in the 'war on terror'. SpinProfiles also documents the propaganda, communication, disinformation, and covert action activities of states, [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Spooks intelligence agencies], and their associated networks. 
Spinprofiles also focuses on communication, spin and propaganda in party politics and in war and peace. The database contains collections of articles on [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:British_Propaganda British propaganda], the theory and practice of [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Counterinsurgency counterinsurgency], the [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Neocons neoconservatives], the [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Israel_Lobby Israel lobby] and the [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Terrorologist terror experts] and the associated [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Terrorism_Industry terrorism industry], which can influence public opinion public policy in the 'war on terror'. SpinProfiles also documents the propaganda, communication, disinformation, and covert action activities of states, [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Category:Spooks intelligence agencies], and their associated networks. 
Spinprofiles includes public interest reporting on a wide range of issues of public controversy including work on the nuclear debate, climate change, water, alcohol, food, genetically modified food and crops, and the pharmaceutical industry. The database is a public interest resource which is intended to monitor and catalogue both positive and negative activities in relation to spin, which we define accordingly. We include pages on whistleblowers and on critics and victims of spin as well as those who practice and promote spin.  
Spinprofiles includes public interest reporting on a wide range of issues of public controversy including work on the nuclear debate, climate change, water, alcohol, food, genetically modified food and crops, and the pharmaceutical industry. The database is a public interest resource which is intended to monitor and catalogue both positive and negative activities in relation to spin, which we define accordingly. We include pages on whistleblowers and on critics and victims of spin as well as those who practice and promote spin. See our definition of "spin" [http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/Definition_of_spin here].
Our definition of spin is a relatively neutral one.  Collins' Dictionary defines spin as "the practice of presenting news or information in a way that creates a favourable impression".<ref>Collins [http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/spin Spin], accessed 6 February 2010</ref>  “Spin doctor” is defined similarly as 'a person who provides a favourable slant to an item of news, potentially unpopular policy, etc., esp. on behalf of a political personality or party'.<ref>Collins [http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/spin%20doctor Spin Doctor], accessed 6 February 2010</ref>  Our definition is broader than that in that it encompasses those working for a wide range of governmental, party political, corporate and NGO organisations.  Inclusion in Spinprofiles should not, however, be taken to imply that any person is either engaged in 'spin' or in activities that are necessarily disreputable.  This site is a public interest resource which aims to catalogue and report on communications activities which can influence the news media, public opinion or public policy. Such influence is not necessarily negative and we aim to help the increase transparency and openness about the communication activities that we report on. 
SpinProfiles has a policy of [[SpinProfiles:A Guide to Referencing|strict referencing]], and is overseen by an [[User:David|editor]] and several associate portal editors.   
SpinProfiles has a policy of [[SpinProfiles:A Guide to Referencing|strict referencing]], and is overseen by an [[User:David|editor]] and several associate portal editors.   

Revision as of 17:18, 5 March 2010

Welcome to SpinProfiles

Welcome to SpinProfiles - your guide to spin, networks of power, lobbying, Public Relations and the communciations activities of governments and other interests. SpinProfiles is a project of SpinWatch and several other organisations. (More about SpinProfiles here)

SpinProfiles portals

Alcohol | Climate | Counter-Terrorism | Foodspin | GMWatch | Israel Lobby | Lobbying | MEPedia | Neoconservatives | Northern Ireland | Nuclear Spin | Pharma | Propaganda | Scotland | Spooks | Terror Expertise | Water

SpinProfiles documents the communication, PR, spin and propaganda  activities of public relations firms and the public relations industry. SpinProfiles also includes profiles on think tanks, front groups funded by industry and industry-friendly experts that can influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of transnational corporations or other special interests.

SpinProfiles focuses on transparency issues by profiling and cataloging the activities of lobbyists, lobbying firms and other corporate lobby groups. The relationship between special interests and elected representatives is catalogued in our MEPedia data base and we are working to increase our coverage of the 'revolving door' between politics and special interests.

Spinprofiles also focuses on communication, spin and propaganda in party politics and in war and peace. The database contains collections of articles on British propaganda, the theory and practice of counterinsurgency, the neoconservatives, the Israel lobby and the terror experts and the associated terrorism industry, which can influence public opinion public policy in the 'war on terror'. SpinProfiles also documents the propaganda, communication, disinformation, and covert action activities of states, intelligence agencies, and their associated networks. 

Spinprofiles includes public interest reporting on a wide range of issues of public controversy including work on the nuclear debate, climate change, water, alcohol, food, genetically modified food and crops, and the pharmaceutical industry. The database is a public interest resource which is intended to monitor and catalogue both positive and negative activities in relation to spin, which we define accordingly. We include pages on whistleblowers and on critics and victims of spin as well as those who practice and promote spin. See our definition of "spin" here.

SpinProfiles has a policy of strict referencing, and is overseen by an editor and several associate portal editors.

Tag and Category Cloud

<tagcloud style="background: #FFFFDF;"> min_count=100 exclude=browse </tagcloud>

What's new

Science and health: Independent research body or PR agency for corporations? The Social Issues Research Centre - http://bit.ly/cnR4mp

Climate: Airline and car industry sponsor Copenhagen summit - see Copenhagen 2009: Who's Who. Revolving doors, government connections and carbon trading and offsetting at Grosvenor Gardens House. The Optimum Population Trust - Preventing African births as carbon offsetting. Henry Derwent - From government to industry lobbyist in six months.

Alcohol: The Portman Group When it comes to alcohol awareness, is the government under the influence of the drinks industry?

Genetically modified food: India's environment minister says NO to Monsanto's GM insecticidal aubergine/eggplant/brinjal on public health grounds http://bit.ly/1IoODt Here's what leading independent scientists told India's prime minister about the lies he'd been fed by industry on the GM aubergine: http://bit.ly/bCvwAu

Policing: How the 'extremist' threat is whipped up as an excuse to expand policing powers: National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit

Terror: Setting the terrorism agenda in Israel and beyond: Boaz Ganor and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya


EU Insigna.png

MEPedia profiles current Members of the European Parliament, focusing on issues of transparency, conflict of interest and the revolving door. It is a resource for members of the public across Europe to find out basic information about selected MEPs, their financial and political interests, and their voting history and comments on issues related to transparency, accountability and conflicts of interest.

The alcohol industry and policy

The alcohol portal aims to examine governance processes in the area of alcohol and public policy. The portal aims to make connections between the alcohol industry, public policy makers and their relationships with the media, scientists and current research and debates within the field. You can see all pages on alcohol here. The portal focuses in large part on the most important policy actor which is the alcohol industry and its personnel, and in particular tries to uncover the links between the industry, alcohol lobby groupsand alcohol lobbyists and PR people. We also focus on the alcohol NGOs, which are often poorly funded and struggle to raise public health issues against the plethora of other alcohol policy groups and indeed the often covertly industry funded alcohol front groups. Lastly we also focus on the issue of the science of alcohol and examine the role that alcohol science and scientists play in the policy process.

Propaganda, conflict and war

Propaganda | Terror Experts and institutions | Neoconservative networks | Counterinsurgency

Regional conflicts

Israel Lobby | The Conflict in the North of Ireland | Iraq War 2003 | Targeting Iran

Elite networks and corporate power

Industry sectors

New pages on Spinprofiles


 title=Newest Pages



 title=Recently Updated Articles


Popular articles

To see which pages are most read check the list of most popular pages on SpinProfiles. To see the pages which do not exist but are most wanted by SpinProfiles users see the Most Wanted pages. The Priority profiles page lists organisations that SpinProfiles users would like contributors to help with.


 title=Most popular articles

See More... </DynamicArticleList>

Most wanted pages

  1. Ronald Reagan (44 links)
  2. General Motors (38 links)
  3. AT&T (36 links)
  4. Bill Clinton (36 links)
  5. House of Lords (36 links)
  6. United Nations (36 links)
  7. John Major (32 links)
  8. Henry Kissinger (31 links)
  9. National Security Council (30 links)
  10. Bank of England (29 links)
  11. Deutsche Bank (28 links)
  12. Chevron (28 links)
  13. Marks & Spencer (27 links)
  14. American Express (27 links)
  15. Home Office (26 links)
  16. Boeing (26 links)
  17. Prudential (25 links)
  18. Reuters (25 links)

See more...

Getting Started

Looking for somewhere to start?

We welcome new contributors to SpinProfiles. In order to contribute, you first need to register as a User.

  • Go to http://spinwatch.org/mailman/listinfo/wiki_spinwatch.org and subscribe to the Users' email list. This will enable you to receive group emails from other Users in SpinProfiles.
  • Send an email to editor AT spinprofiles.org saying who you are and what your interests are. If you are approved as a User you will be sent a User name and password to enable you to log in and edit or contribute material.

If you are unsure where to start, you could expand some of the recently created but currently brief articles. If you look at the recent changes page you will see some noted as being 'stubs' - articles that may just be a line or two and needing to be fleshed out. So if you would like to add to some of those you would be most welcome.

There is an automatically updated page which includes the pages which have been signaled by SpinProfiles Users as most wanted. In addition there is a page which includes a list of Things you can do to help.

Or if you would like some other suggestions closer to your interests you could drop SpinProfiles editor David Miller an email at editor AT spinprofiles.org

Research and writing tips

How to research front groups | Resources for studying propaganda | Research using the web

Start Here

Spinprofiles history

SpinProfiles is a collaborative venture initiated by Spinwatch in collaboration with Lobbywatch, GM Watch Red Star Research and Corporate Watch, but put into effect by a wide variety of volunteers and independent researchers.

Contributors are now working on 19,266 articles.

Disclaimer: SpinProfiles is an encyclopedia of people, issues and groups shaping the public agenda. It is a project of the Spinwatch—email editor AT spinprofiles.org.

Antispam note: To avoid attracting spam email robots, email addresses on SpinProfiles are written with AT in place of the usual symbol, and we have removed "mail to" links. Replace AT with the correct symbol to get a valid address. We regret the inconvenience this entails. Campaign for more effective antispam regulations.