Tax Harmonisation Versus Tax Competition: Which Promotes Prosperity?

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Tax Harmonisation Versus Tax Competition: Which Promotes Prosperity? was the first event held by the Taxpayers Alliance. The event was a joint venture with the Institute of Economic Affairs held on the 3-February-2004. The seminar was entitled Tax Harmonisation Versus Tax Competition: Which Promotes Prosperity?.[1]

Daniel J Mitchell of the Heritage Foundation was the guest speaker at the event and its purpose was for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to meet with low-tax jurisdictions in London to discuss so-called 'harmful tax competition' during 3rd-5th February. The Institute of Economic Affairs held the seminar in conjunction with the TaxPayers Alliance and Mitchell was selected to 'lead a discussion investigating whether tax harmonization or tax competition contributes more to economic growth'. In addition to reviewing OECD initiatives, the discussion was designed to 'examine various EU tax harmonization measures'.[2]



2 North Street London


  1. The Taxpayers Alliance, Tax Harmonisation Versus Tax Competition: Which Promotes Prosperity?, Taxpayers Alliance, Accessed via web archive, version from 5-February-2004, Accessed 09-February-2011
  2. The Taxpayers Alliance, Tax Harmonisation Versus Tax Competition: Which Promotes Prosperity?, Taxpayers Alliance, Accessed via web archive, version from 5-February-2004, Accessed 09-February-2011