Stephanie Daman

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Stephanie Daman spent seventeen years working for the UK Government on security-related issues, and was seconded to the Cabinet Office, and to the British Embassy in Washington DC during this period. [1]

In 2000, she joined Level 3 Communications, a start-up company with its own fibre optic network, as their Director, European Security. In 2002, she joined RAND Europe, the European division of the RAND Corporation. [2] After a short time with The Inkerman Group dealing with Information Assurance issues at the beginning of 2003, she was invited to join HSBC Holdings plc as Head of Information Assurance in October 2003.

Throughout her career, Daman has been involved in the protection of information, and in the development of information assurance as a concept. She is a member of ASIS, The Security Institute (TSyI), and the Institute of Directors (IoD). She is also a member of the Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC), a founder member and leader of the Director's Information Assurance Network (DIAN) which is sponsored by IAAC. Daman is also a member of the Risk and Security Management Forum (RSMF).

Daman co-authored "Engaging the Board: Corporate Governance and Information Assurance". [3]


  1. 'Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy (Appendix E: Acknowledgments)', Defense Security Service website of 3 September, 2006. (Web archive accessed 29 April, 2009)
  2. 'Engaging the Board: Corporate Governance and Information Assurance', RAND website, 2004.
  3. Corporate Executive Programme', FIRST website, 2005.