Rohde Public Policy

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

Rohde Public Policy are a public affairs consultancy, established in 2002, with offices in Brussels, London, Berlin and Paris.

They focus on policy creation and development and their expertise is healthcare, nutrition, research and innovation, social policy, and related trade and market access issues.


Rohde are not a member of the Association of Profession Public Consultants, therefore their clients and staff do not appear on their registers.




  • Dr. Marc-Angelo Bisotti, worked in the Brussels office in 2006, has run the Berlin office since its launch in 2007. Holds a PHD in molecular biology and is a former member of the German parliament.
  • Sebastian Rohde, founder. Former head of office to a Member of the European Parliament, government affairs and public affairs department in Europe at a global leading healthcare company.

Practice Leads

  • Steven Bridges, director, practice lead "blood and plasma", head of office Brussels. Joined Rohde in 2006.
  • Charles Waller, director, practice lead "pharmaceuticals & public health"



Registrar of consultant lobbyists

The register of consultant lobbyists documents those clients on behalf of whom Rohde Public Policy has met with government ministers and the firm's listings for 2015 are as follows:

April - June 2016

Abbott | Bausch & Lomb | Bristol-Myers Squibb | TerumoBCT [2]

January - March 2016

Abbott Laboratories | TerumoBCT [3]

October - December 2015

Abbott Laboratories | Terumo BCT [4]

July - September 2015

Abbott Laboratories | Terumo BCT


Code of conduct

All the staff at Rohde have signed and committed to respect the Code of Conduct of the European Public Affairs Consultancies Association.[5] Full code of conduct


Joined the Transparency Register of the European Union Institutions in 2010.[6]

TRACE Anti-Bribery Compliance

TRACE is a transparency process approval for companies working with partners in and from the United States.

Publications, Contact, Resources and Notes



London Office

Address:83 Victoria Street
Floor 6 - Room 33
SW1H 0HW London
Phone: +44 (0)20 31 78 46 98

Paris Office

Address:103, rue de Grenelle
75007 Paris
Phone +44 (0)20 31 78 46 98

Brussels Office

Address:Avenue Michel-Ange 86
1000 Brussels
Phone:+32 (0)2 743 28 90

Berlin Office

Address:Schumannstr. 14 b
10117 Berlin
Phone:+49 (0)30 84 71 20 41



  1. Our leadership Rohde public policy, accessed 29 October 2014
  2. 'Rohde Public Policy profile 2016', Register of consultant lobbyists, accessed 21 July 2016
  3. Rohde Public Policy profile 2016, Registrar of consultant lobbyists, accessed 3 May 2016
  4. Rohde Public Policy profile 2015, Registrar of consultant lobbyists, accessed 8 February 2016
  5. Code of conduct Rohde Public Policy, accessed 29 October 2014
  6. Transparency register Rohde Public Policy, accessed 29 October 2014