Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, UK Clients, PRCA Yearbook, 2004

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Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide



10 Cabot Square
Canary Wharf
London E144BA
Telephone: 020 7309 1000
Fax: 020 7309 1001
Email: paul.barber@ogilvy.com
Website: www.ogilvypr.com

Quality Assessment Achieved

  • Consultancy Management Standard

Business Commenced



Not disclosed

Range of Services

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide is a global marketing communications firm, with offices in more than 60 cities around the world. Entering its 24th year providing public relations solutions, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide has specialties in consumer marketing, corporate (B2B), health & medical, technology, public affairs, government relations and entertainment. Through its subsidiary Feinstein Kean Healthcare, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide provides communication consulting to biotechnology companies. The Holmes Report has named Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide International Agency of the Year for 2003 marking the fourth consecutive year the firm has been awarded 'Agency of the Year'. Ogilvy Public Relations World~vide is part of the WIPP Group, the world's largest marking communications company (NASDAQ WPPGY, www.wpp.com). For more information, visit our Web site at www.ogilvypr.com.

Fee Income

Unable to disclose Sarbanes Oxley Act

Current Clients

* = client retained for more than three years
** = client retained for more than five years

Ad Hoc Clients


Partners / Directors

Holders of Public Office


Parent or Principal Company

Subsidiary Companies


Associate Companies


Overseas Owned Offices Within

Australia, Austria, Belgium, CzechRepublic, Germany, Greece, HongKong, India, Ireland, Kenya, Malaysia,Peoples Republic of China, Spain,Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UnitedArab Emirates, USA

International Affiliates Within

  • Italy

Other Addresses