Mourant Ozannes

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Mourant Ozannes is one of the leading offshore law firms, advising on the laws of the offshore centres of Cayman Islands, Guernsey and Jersey. A merger between Channel Islands-based offshore firms Mourant du Feu & Jeune and Ozannes in May 2010 made it the third largest offshore firm in terms of partner numbers. [1]

It has been labelled a member of the "Offshore Magic Circle".

In October 2011 research and a new tax havens database of the FTSE 100 companies compiled by the anti-poverty charity ActionAid revealed that in Jersey:

'around 200 Jersey companies, belonging to at least 26 different FTSE 100 groups, are registered at a single address. This is the office of "one of the leading offshore firms, Mourant Ozannes'. [2]



London office:
6th Floor, 125 Old Broad Street
London, EC2N 1AR



  1. Tom Phillips, Mourant and Ozannes merge to create third-largest offshore firm, The Lawyer, 3 February 2010, acc November 2011
  2. ActionAid Addicted to tax havens, 11 October 2011, accessed same day