Johnson & Johnson

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The pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson was founded in 1886 and expanded on an international level in 1919. It encompasses a family of 250 companies in 57 countries, and employs 120,500 people worldwide. Johnson & Johnson's sales in 2006 totalled $53.3B.[1]

Johnson’s is an offshoot of Johnson & Johnson, which began with Johnson’s Baby Powder in 1893. Other major launches were BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages in 1921 and TYLENOL from McNeil-PPC, Inc. in 1960.

Johnson and Johnson was ranked: 9th on FORTUNE magazine's America’s Most Admired Companies 2006 list (and second within the pharmaceutical industry category); 4th on FORTUNE magazine’s 2006 Global Most Admired list; and 104th on the 2006 FORTUNE Global 500 list.[2]

Board of directors

The Board of Directors for Johnson & Johnson in 2007[3] are listed as...


In 2007, Johnson & Johnson operate a vast number of subsidiaries,including the following based in the UK: DePuy UK Holdings Ltd., DePuy International Ltd., DePuy International (Holdings) Ltd., High Wycombe Property Management Ltd. Janssen-Cilag Ltd., Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd., Johnson & Johnson Swiss Finance Company Ltd., Lifescan Scotland Ltd., McNeil Healthcare (UK) and Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics

The full list of subsidiaries are listed on their website. Further information on their subsidiaries can be found on their webpage Company Web Sites

Political Action Committee

Johnson & Johnson Political Action Committee (JJPAC) acts as a medium in which employees 'voluntarily' donate political contributions to political candidates. Johnson & Johnson website[16] describe the JJPAC as a way of offering 'eligible employees a direct means to voluntarily participate in shaping sound public policy and voicing views on issues related to our businesses'. Johnson & Johnson state that 'we believe that it is important to encourage the development of sound public policy'. What do they mean by 'sound public policy'? The website goes on to state that they seek to support candidates who not only recognise the importance of medical innovations but who are also keen advocates of the free market.

In 2006, the Federal Election Commission[17] list Johnson & Johnson as amongst the top 50 Corporate Contributers (number 47) having contributed a total of $542,000 during 2005/06.

PR / lobbying firms

Former lobbying firms


External Links


  1. (Johnson & Johnson, Our Company, Fast Facts)
  2. (Johnson & Johnson, Our Company, Fast Facts)
  3. Johnson & Johnson Investor Relations - Board of Directors Accessed 27th December 2007
  4. Businessweek University of Michigan Accessed 27th December 2007
  5. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  6. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  7. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  8. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  9. Businessweek Executive profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  10. Businessweek Executive Profiles Accessed 27th December 2007
  11. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 28th December 2007
  12. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  13. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  14. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  15. Businessweek Executive Profile Accessed 27th December 2007
  16. Johnson & Johnson Political Contributions Accessed 31st December 2007
  17. Federal Election Commission Top 50 Corp Contributions 2006 Accessed 31st December 2007
  18. PB Political Consulting profile 2015, Registrar of consultant lobbyists, accessed 8 February 2016
  19. Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014 APPC, accessed 28 January 2015
  20. Clients Rabin Martin, accessed 29 January 2015
  21. Register Entry for 1 September 2008 to 30 November 2008 APPC, accessed 28 January 2015
  22. Business Insights Patient Power: The shift towards more informed, more powerful consumers of drugs Accessed 5th February 2008
  23. Innovex Our Customers Accessed 12th February 2008
  24. MWW Group Clients Accessed 18th March 2008
  25. The Gorlin Group Clients Accessed 20th March 2008
  26. American Benefits Council Memberships Accessed 29 January 2015