Grayling UK Clients, PRCA Yearbook 2004
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Grayling is a PR Group owned by Huntsworth which includes Grayling Political Strategy.
- Nigel Kennedy
1 Bedford Avenue London WCIB 3AU
- Telephone: 020 7255 1100
- Fax: 020 7255 5454
- Email:
- Website:
Quality Assessment Achieved
- Consultancy Management Standard
- Investors in People
Business Commenced
- 1981
- 150
Range of Services
Grayling offers public relations, public affairs and event management internationally. The group is headquartered in London and has offices in Europe, the USA and Asia. It employs 150 consultants across its three main disciplines, Grayling Public Relations, Grayling Political Strategy, incorporating Westminster Strategy, and Grayling Face to Face, incorporating RS Live. Grayling is part of Huntsworth plc.
Fee Income
- £9,500,001 - 10,000,000
Current Clients
Grayling Public Relations:
- 14-19 Working Group on Education Reform (DfES)
- Allied Irish Bank
- Antisocial Behavior Unit (Home Office)
- Battcrsea Dogs Home
- Bayer Consumer Care **
- Bristol International Airport **
- British Small Animal Veterinary Association
- British Toy & Hobby Association *
- Canard Duchene Champagne *
- Celerent Consulting *
- Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CORWM)
- Dawn Foods
- Days Medical Aids
- Energy Saving Trust
- English Heritage
- European School of Management *
- Freight Traders
- GE Healthcare **
- Georgia Pacific GB Ltd **
- Honey Association *
- InnSpired plc
- Investors in People (IIP)
- Le Creuset **
- Masterfoods **
- MITIE Group plc
- National Express **
- Organic Milk Suppliers Co-operative
- Paragon Vintners
- Pet Food Manufacturers Association **
- Pet Health Council **
- Places for People
- Roche UK **
- South West Accident Network
- South West Regeneration Centre
- South West Regional Development Agency
- The Learning and Skills Development Agency
- Tyrrells' Wines *
- Udex
- Unilever Bestfoods
- Victim Support
Grayling Face to Face (event management):
- Cabinet Office
- Centre for British Teachers
- Days Medical Aids
- Department of Health **
- Department for Education and Skills **
- Department for the Environment andRural Affairs *
- Department for Trade and Industry
- Department of Work and Pensions
- Energy Saving Trust
- Financial Ombudsman Service
- Food Standards Agency *
- Foster & Partners
- General Teaching Council *
- Learning & Skills Council
- National College for School Leadership *
- National Health Service University
- National Institute for Mental Health in England *
- Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
- Panasonic **
- Sector Skills Development Agency
- Teacher Support Nctwork
- Time Management International
- Ufi/learndirect *
- Unilever
- West & Coe
- Wurttenbergische UK Ltd *
Grayling Political Strategy:
- Alzheimer's Society
- Asda
- Autism Cymru *
- BBC Wales *
- Barnados
- Big Food Group
- Birmingham International Airport
- Biscuit Cake Chocolate and Confectionery Association (BCCCA)
- BOC Group
- British Hospitality Association (BHA)
- British Small Animals Veterinary Association (BSAVA)
- BT in Wales
- BT Scotland
- Celerant
- Corporate Responsibility Group
- Energy Saving Trust
- Energy Watch
- Fresenius
- GE Healthcare **
- General Medical Council
- Government of Guernsey
- Great North Eastern Railway
- Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association (HVCA)
- Land Securities plc
- Masterfoods **
- Medical Research Council
- National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy (NCYPE)
- National Security Inspectorate (NSI)
- Navy Army Airforce Institutes (NAAFI)
- Northern Lighthouse Board
- Novartis Pharmaceuticals
- Pet Advisory Committee
- Pct Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA)
- Places for People
- Roche
- Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
- Scope
- Scottish Golf
- Scottish Quality Salmon
- UK Accreditation Service
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)
- Wales Tourist Board
- * = client retained for more than three years
- ** = client retained for more than five years
Ad Hoc Clients
- N/A
Partners / Directors
- Nigel Kennedy, Group Chief Executive
- James Acheson-Gray, Managing Director, Grayling Asia
- David Atterbury Thomas, Group Finance Director
- Vivien Hepworth, Chief Executive Grayling Political Strategy
- Christopher Davies, Managing Director, Graylin Bristol & Grayling Political Strategy Wales
- Steve Elliot, Director
- Robert Fenner, Director
- Tanya Joseph, Director
- Nicky Hughes, Director
- David Curtin, Chairman Grayling Communications Ireland
- John Macgill, Managing Director Grayling Political Strategy Scotland
- Caroline Moody, Managing Director, Grayling Communications Ireland
- Amanda Riddle, Ghief Executive Grayling UK Public Relations
- Angela Salt, Director
- Nigel Wadlow, Director
- Paul West, Chief Executive Grayling Face to FaceiRS Live
- Russell Patten, Ghief Execuitive Grayling Political Strategy Brussels
- Roy Bumsted, Chief Executive Grayling USA
- Christopher Frasei Group Development Director
- Tony Sophoclides, Director
- Allison Wright, Director, Grayling China
- Rachel Sherry, Director, Grayling Communications Ireland
Holders of Public Office
- None
Parent or Principal Company
- Huntsworth plc
Subsidiary Companies
Associate Companies
- None
Overseas Owned Offices Within
Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Singapore, USA
International Affiliates Within
- N/A
Other Addresses
Grayling Birmingham
- The Great Barn
- Wootton Park Farm
- Wootton Wawen
- Warwickshire B95 6HJ
- Tel. 01564 797 200
- Contact Hilary Thorp
Grayling Face to Face/RS Live (event management)
- The Great Barn
- Wootton Park Farm
- Wootton Wawen Tel. 01564 797 600
- Contact Paul West
Grayling Face to Face/RS Live
- I Bedford Avenue
- London WCIB 3AU
- Tel: 020 7255 1100
- Contact Amanda Stephenson
Grayling Bristol
- Hanover House
- Queen Charlotte Street
- Bristol BS1 4EX
- Tel. 0117 922 7799
- Contact Christopher Davies
Westminster Strategy
- 1 Bedford Avenue
- London
- Tel. 020 7255 5444
- Contact Vivien Hepworth
Graying Political Strategy, Scotland
- 7 Bakehouse Close
- 146 Canongate
- Edinburgh EH8 8DD
- Tel. 0131 558 8719
- Contact John Macgill
Graying Political Strategy, Wales
- Regus House
- Falcon Drive
- Cardiff Bay
- Cardiff CFIO 5RU
- Tel: 02920 504028
- Contact Christopher Davies