Grayling UK Clients, PRCA Yearbook 2004

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Grayling is a PR Group owned by Huntsworth which includes Grayling Political Strategy.


  • Nigel Kennedy


1 Bedford Avenue London WCIB 3AU

Telephone: 020 7255 1100
Fax: 020 7255 5454

Quality Assessment Achieved

  • Consultancy Management Standard
  • Investors in People
  • APPC

Business Commenced




Range of Services

Grayling offers public relations, public affairs and event management internationally. The group is headquartered in London and has offices in Europe, the USA and Asia. It employs 150 consultants across its three main disciplines, Grayling Public Relations, Grayling Political Strategy, incorporating Westminster Strategy, and Grayling Face to Face, incorporating RS Live. Grayling is part of Huntsworth plc.

Fee Income

£9,500,001 - 10,000,000

Current Clients

Grayling Public Relations:

Grayling Face to Face (event management):

Grayling Political Strategy:

* = client retained for more than three years
** = client retained for more than five years

Ad Hoc Clients


Partners / Directors

Holders of Public Office


Parent or Principal Company

  • Huntsworth plc

Subsidiary Companies

Associate Companies


Overseas Owned Offices Within

Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Singapore, USA

International Affiliates Within


Other Addresses

Grayling Birmingham

The Great Barn
Wootton Park Farm
Wootton Wawen
Warwickshire B95 6HJ
Tel. 01564 797 200
Contact Hilary Thorp

Grayling Face to Face/RS Live (event management)

The Great Barn
Wootton Park Farm
Wootton Wawen Tel. 01564 797 600
Contact Paul West

Grayling Face to Face/RS Live

I Bedford Avenue
London WCIB 3AU
Tel: 020 7255 1100
Contact Amanda Stephenson

Grayling Bristol

Hanover House
Queen Charlotte Street
Bristol BS1 4EX
Tel. 0117 922 7799
Contact Christopher Davies

Westminster Strategy

1 Bedford Avenue
Tel. 020 7255 5444
Contact Vivien Hepworth

Graying Political Strategy, Scotland

7 Bakehouse Close
146 Canongate
Edinburgh EH8 8DD
Tel. 0131 558 8719
Contact John Macgill

Graying Political Strategy, Wales

Regus House
Falcon Drive
Cardiff Bay
Cardiff CFIO 5RU
Tel: 02920 504028
Contact Christopher Davies