Globalisation Project 2010
This is the Globalisation portal for all pages linked to Globalisation and Anti-Globalisation research reports. For resources to help you investigate see Investigative Research.
Referencing -- please read this first
I know referencing in Powerbase is difficult for newbies until they get the hang of it and we are trying to make it simpler. So here's a very simplified guide. All new contributors should read this before starting--it'll save a lot of grief later.
Research Tips
Making the most of Google
- This page shows you all the Google advance operators - symbols that can be used to refine your searches
- This article also offers some tips on efficient internet searches "How to: use search engines for precision surfing"
Press and Media databases
- Lexis Nexis (requires Athens login)
- Most major news sites also have free searchable archives - "Google News" aggregates most of them
Resources on lobbying/corporate power
- Sourcewatch
- Corporate Watch UK
- Corporate Watch US
- Corpotate Europe Observatory
- Open Secrets, guide to money in (US) politics:
- (part of Public Citizen)
Web research
- Web archive/Way back machine - This site finds archived versions of websites, allowing you to see parts of that site that have since been deleted - useful for finding old content, information, etc.
- STD Code Reverse List. Discover which area a dialling code is in:
- Reverse List of US telephone area codes:
- Royal Mail postcode/address finder;jsessionid=BSED5FPVSVAQSFB2IGFENZQUHRAYWQ2K;jsessionid=BSED5FPVSVAQSFB2IGFENZQUHRAYWQ2K?catId=400145&gear=postcode
Colin Meek on investigative techniques:
- How to: find contacts and information about people online
- How to: use search engines for precision surfing
- How to: search for information within social networking sites
How to find the owners of domain names
- For .uk domains:
- Reverse DNS (IP Address) lookup.
Official Government-held information
Companies House Charities Commission
Please use complete sentences when writing/starting an article for Powerbase, eg John Smith is the Conservative candidate for Bigglesworth East...
Not just a page title and then a fragment like 'Conservative candidate for Bigglesworth East'
Page Titles
All pages in this database which are part of the globalisation project should have titles beginning "Globalisation: ". Make sure you add the colon ':' immediately after the word 'Globalisation' when creating a new page, then a space and add the name of the person or organisations you are adding.
Proposed Projects
Climate Change and the Environment
- 1. Globalisation: Green Alliance "Green Alliance Website"
- 2. Globalisation: International Policy Network "IPN website"
- 3. Globalisation: Global Warming Policy Foundation "GWPF Website"
- 4. Globalisation: CEPOS (also known as the Globalisation: Danish Centre for Political Studies) "CEPOS Website"
- 5. Globalisation: Atlas Economic Research Foundation "Atlas Website"
- 6. Globalisation: Cato Institute "CATO Website"
See: Pays To Deny Climate Change, take oil money and use it to fund climate deniers
Food, Eating and Obesity
- 7. Globalisation: National Obesity Forum / Globalisation: International Obesity Taskforce "NOF Website"
- 8. Globalisation: European Food Information Council | Globalisation: International Food Information Council "EUFIC Site"
- 9. Globalisation: Media Smart "Media Smart Website"
- 10.Globalisation: Associate Parliamentary Food and Health Forum/Globalisation: Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum "FHF Site"
Conflict and Private Security Industry
The conflict communication and reconstruction industry - The work of 'rebuilding' areas destroyed by war and other excesses of globalisation is big business, as is the PR element of these wars. See for example:
- 11a. Globalisation: Post Conflict People - an NGO "committed to reviving societies suffering from recent or on-going conflicts", whose directors happen to be the directors of the British Association of Private Security Companies "PCP Website"; Globalisation: Albany Associates - a related group expert in communicating the 'reconstruction' message Albany Associates - Strategic Communication Project;
- 11b.Globalisation: Glevum Associates - who take 'market research' into the warzone Glevum - Why Glevum? ;
- 11c.Globalisation: Bell Pottinger Sans Frontieres" - A wing of the PR giant Chime Communications focussed on "the provision of communications strategies and programmes for international businesses, countries, institutions, politicians and high-profile individuals" "BPSF Website"/Globalisation: Leonie Industries - who go beyond market research into 'cultural advisory services' and worldwide media distribution Leon Industries - About.
Digital Diplomacy
- 12. Globalisation: Alliance for Youth Movements "AYM Website" - a group founded and funded by the likes of google, facebook, youtube, pepsi, cbc, MTV and the US State Department to promote digital activism - such as the infamous 'twitter revolution' in Iran. This is an important developing area in which the role of globalisation in the media and communication is very interesting, see for example this essay by Sami Ben Gharbia on internet freedom and Arab digital activism.
Free Market Think Tanks
- 13. Globalisation: European Ideas Network - One of at least four networks of free market think tanks. "EIN website"
- 14. Globalisation: Centre for Social Justice new Conservative think tanks set up in 2004 by Iain Duncan-Smith "CSJ Website"
Members of the Stockholm Network
- 15. Globalisation: Business for New Europe
- 16. Globalisation: International Council for Capital Formation
- 17. Globalisation: Taxpayers' Alliance
- 18. Globalisation: Politeia
Defence/Arms Industry
- 20. Globalisation: First Defence/Globalisation: Terrington Management
- 21. Globalisation: Air League/Globalisation: Associate Parliamentary Aerospace Group/Globalisation: Air League Educational Trust
- 22. Globalisation: United Kingdom National Defence Association/Globalisation: UK Defence Forum
- 23. Globalisation: Atlantic Partnership/Globalisation: Atlantic Bridge
- 24. Globalisation: Xe Services LLC - Formerly Blackwater Worldwide.