Global Crop Diversity Trust

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The Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) says its mission is "to ensure the conservation and availability of crop diversity for food security worldwide".[1]

However, among its funders are genetic modification (GM) corporations Syngenta and DuPont, which depend on the privatization and patenting of genes for profit (see Funding, below).


Doomsday Vault

One of the GCDT's programmes is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault or Doomsday Vault, as the media have nicknamed it. This is a vast storage unit in Northern Norway for the world's germplasm (seeds) that GCDT claims "will be the ultimate safety net for the world’s most important natural resource".[2] The Global Crop Diversity Trust funds the operation and management of the Seed Vault.[3]

The GCDT acknowledges global concerns about who will have access to this germplasm of crops developed freely over millennia by farmers. The GCDT claims that freedom of access will be ensured by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture:

any seeds accepted for storage at the Vault must be freely available under the terms of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources. In other words, there are no seeds stored at the Seed Vault which would not be easily accessible simply by directly contacting the genebank which sent them.[4]

However, critics of the treaty list unresolved issues, including concerns about how copyrighted genetic material will be treated, the extent to which farmers and communities will be allowed to access and breed seeds from seed banks, and the precise mechanism under which disputes will be settled.[5]


  • Bioversity International: The Global Crop Diversity Trust is listed among the Top 20 donors to Bioversity International in BI's Annual Report 2008.[6]



As at June 2009:[7]


According to the GCDT website, its donors as of June 2009 are the following governments, foundations and corporations:[8]





  1. Our mission, Global Crop Diversity Trust website, accessed June 27 2009
  2. Arctic Seed Vault, GCDT website, accessed 27 June 2009
  3. Arctic Seed Vault< GCDT website, accessed 27 June 2009
  4. Arctic Seed Vault< GCDT website, accessed 27 June 2009
  5. Christopher Earle, "Success on Agricultural Biodiversity Treaty,, 11 June 2009, accessed 27 June 2009
  6. Bioversity International Annual Report 2008, p. 27, accessed 27 June 2009
  7. Board], GCDT website, accessed June 27 2009
  8. Donors, GCDT website, accessed June 27 2009