Erick Stakelbeck

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Speaker at ACT! for America's 2015 National Conference and Legislative Briefing held 8-9 September 2015 in Washington. Keynote speakers included Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brigitte Gabriel, Bill Whittle, Ryan Mauro, Deborah Weiss, Ann Corcoran, Captain Charles T. “Chuck” Nash USN (RET), Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney USAF (RET).

Biography on ACT! for America's website:

Erick Stakelbeck is a sought after author and authority on Middle East and national security-related issues. He covers the Middle East, national security issues and radical Islam for CBN’s Washington, D.C. bureau. He hosts the weekly CBN News program, The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck, seen throughout the U.S. as well as in Europe. [1]



  1. 2015 National Conference, ACT! for America, accessed 9 November 2015