Edelman UK Staff and clients, 1 June 2005 to 30 Nov 2005
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in UK
- Contact: Michael Burrell
- Haymarket House, 28 / 29 Haymarket
- London, SW1Y 4SP
- Tel: 020 7344 1200
- Fax: 020 7344 1500
- e-mail:Michael.Burrell@Edelman.com
- Website: www.Edelman.com
Offices Outside UK
USA, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore
Staff (employed and freelance) providing consultancy services
(1 June 2005 to 30 November 2005)
- Anne Baxendale
- Alex Bigg
- Michael Burrell
- Pamela Dow
- Susan Eastoe
- Amanda Francis
- John Lehal
- James Lundie
- Richard Mollet
- Julia Pitman
- Luke Pollard
- David Robertson
- Neil Spring
- Alex Thompson
- Chris West
Fee-Paying clients for whom UK consultancy services provided
(1 June 2005 to 30 November 2005)
- Alliance for Health & the Future
- Amey
- The African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS
- Partnership in Botswana (ACHAP)
- Amgen
- BDO Stoy Hayward
- Bombardier
- British Virgin Islands International
- Finance Centre
- Cancer Campaigning Group
- Dade Behring
- Euronext
- National Endowment for Science,
- Technology and the Arts (NESTA)
- National Security Inspectorate
- British In Vitro Diagnostics Association
- Falkland Islands Government
- General Dental Council
- Microsoft
- Merck Sharp & Dohme
- Las Vegas Sands Corp.
- Lifeblood: The Thrombosis
- Charity
- Novartis
- Particle Physics and
- Astronomy Research Council
- Pendragon Capital
- Management
- PepsiCo UK & Ireland
- Shell
- Procter & Gamble
- Resolution plc
- Resolution Foundation
- Roche Diagnostics
- T-Systems
- International
- TB Alliance
- Thrombosis
- Research Institute
- Snack Nut and Crisp Manufacturers Association (SNACMA)
- sanofi-aventis
- South West Water
- Toy Industries of Europe
Fee-Paying Clients for whom only UK monitoring services provided
(1 June 2005 to 30 November 2005)