Cluff Natural Resources

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Cluff Natural Resources plc is an AIM-listed investment company founded by natural resources entrepreneur Algy Cluff. It is primarily focused on North Sea exploration and appraisal.


Underground coal gasification licences in England, Scotland and Wales

In 2013 Cluff Natural Resources (CNR) was awarded two new licenses covering offshore deep Underground coal gasification (UCG) prospects at North Cumbria, north-west England, and Largo Bay, off Fife, Scotland, by the UK's Coal Authority. It already held three other three licenses, off Kincardine, near Sterling, Scotland, in the Loughor Estuary, Wales, and the Dee Estuary, west coast of England. Underground coal gasification involves injecting oxygen and steam underground to release gas from coal seams. It is a highly polluting process.

According to CNR's website, the company was 'focused on unlocking the energy potential in the UK via the proven Deep Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) process which involves targeting stranded coal and converting it into syngas. The company is awaiting planning and environmental permits for eight Deep UCG licences, it is intended that the licences will be developed to production'.

CNR's plans to build the UK's first deep offshore UGC plant at Kincardine in Fife, however, were halted after Scotland banned the technology based on its potential climate impact and environmental and health concerns. The UK government refused to support it following a commissioned review by consultants Atkins published in December 2016, which said UCG extracted gas used in power stations would be 40-100% dirtier in terms of CO2 emissions than burning gas from the North Sea and imports. [1]


Former employees

  • Katy Eustice was CNR's press and PR manager (2013). She is the wife of former Conservative Defra junior ministor and ex-lobbyist George Eustice.


Third Floor, 5-8 The Sanctuary, London, SW1P 3JS


  1. Adam Vaughan, Underground coal gasification will not go ahead in UK, The Guardian, 8 December 2016