Brooke Hoskins

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Former government aide Brooke Hoskins, now BAE Systems director

Brooke Hoskins is a former UK civil servant and private secretary to ex-business minister Stephen Byers (1998-2001) who has since worked in the private sector for several arms companies.

She currently works for BAE Systems. Hoskins first joined BAE in October 2014, initially as director of technical services and consulting, then as director of Applied Intelligence Labs (April 2015 -July 2016), She was appointed 'transformation director in July 2016. [1]

She previously worked for Raytheon for over a decade until 2014.

Hoskins has had numerous meetings with the Ministry of Defence since joining the private sector. [2]



  1. Brooke Hoskins, BAE Systems
  2. *Campaign Against the Arms Trade, Brooke Hoskins Meetings, Political Influence Database, last updated 2016