Bob Tyrrell

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Bob Tyrrell is a 'Futurologist'; former Chairman and Chief Executive of the (£6m turnover) Henley Centre: a 'marketing and strategic planning consultancy' owned by WPP Group which also owns J. Walter Thompson and the notorious Hill and Knowlton. Several Demos members have Henley connections and it was used (with Lord Stevenson's SRU) by Demos for Blair and to sound out New Labour concepts to the City and vica versa, as part of the 'Prawn Cocktail Offensive.' Mulgan's role in this is noted by Shann Turnbull who met him in 1996 at a conference on Communitarianism in Geneva in 1998. Mulgan has attended several Globalist conferences such as Davos, Ditchley Park etc.

'Mulgan advised me that [the] stakeholder idea had frightened the big end of town and so it had been dropped. Company directors were concerned that they would be made accountable to people other than shareholders and institutional investors were frightened that it would destroy shareholder value.' [1]

Tyrrell chaired a Centre for Policy Studies/Conservative 'Futures' committee advising William Hague at an Eastbourne gathering (with Daniel Finkelstein of the Social Market Foundation) and was employed by Mulgan's PIU in 2001. At the time of Demos' launch he was advocating the US Communitarian movement (FT 17/11/93), '...we are what we own' (Times 22/1/95). Has written for Demos on 'New Enterprise Culture' (pseudo moralisation) and religion and with the Foreign Policy Centre's Yasmin Alibhai Brown, who is also an alumnus of the British American Project. He is the Chairman of Sociovision: a Paris-based consultancy studying 'global socio-cultural change', European Chairman of the Global Futures Forum, a Council member of the Conservative Party Policy Forum.

He was involved in the 'Tomorrow Project' another absurdly expensive think tank website run by the Revd. Michael Moynagh (an Anglican priest who offers spiritual advice to the CBI) and Richard Worsley (Director of Community Affairs at BT, previously Head of Personnel British Aerospace, Director of Social Affairs CBI and the Engineering Employers Federation, director of the Carnegie UK Trust). Trustees include John Monks and Julia Middleton (Common Purpose).