Alexis Everington

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Alexis Everington works at the Strategic Communication Laboratories. According to BDEC Online (the British Defence Equipment Catalogue) he is the company's Marketing Manager.[1] In 2005 Everington was working for Beaver Westminster, the consultancy company run by ‘terrorism expert’ Paul Beaver. A Beaver Westminster document reports that Everington - whom it refers to as 'BWL [Beaver Westminster] Analyst' - spent ten days in Saudi Arabia on a fact-finding visit in conjunction with the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce and BAE Systems.[2]


A 1996 article in The Times lists Everington as head boy at the Charterhouse public school in Godalming[3] which is one of the highest achieving schools in England. As Head Boy Everington would have had the privalege of wearing a pink tie or scarf. Assuming the Head Boy at Charterhouse is upper sixth form age this would give Everington a date of birth in either 1978 or 1979.

Everington's classmates at Charterhouse sixth form included Alexandra Boyd-Carpenter,[4] the daughter of Henry Boyd-Carpenter who was Private Solicitor to The Queen until 2004. She is currently an Account Assistant at Pelham PR and previously worked in William Hague's private office.[5]

Campaign Election Services

Campaign Election Services is a subsidiary of the Strategic Communication Laboratories. The website contains no information but a Whois search[6] reveals that the domain is registered to Everington, who gaves the home address of Strategic Communication Laboratories founder Nigel Oakes.

Facebook friend

Everington was formerly listed as a friend on Ian Tunnicliffe's Facebook page.[7]



  1. BDEC Online Company Details for STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION LABORATORIES, (accessed 23 June 2008)
  2. Beaver Westminster, News for September 2005 (PDF), (accessed 20 June 2008)
  3. 'School news', The Times, 10 September 1996
  4. NamesDatabase, Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey
  5. Pelham PR, Alexandra Boyd-Carpenter Team Profile, accessed 3 July 2008
  6. Whois Record of retrieved from Domain Tools on 19 June 2008 at 10.44am
  7. Google Cache of <> as retrieved on 24 May 2008 17:48:11 GMT, (Accessed 20 June 2008)
  8. companies House Plainsmen - Officers. Accessed 12 March 2020.