Mitchell G. Bard

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Mitchell G. Bard is an Israel lobbyist and the former editor of AIPAC's newsletter the Near East Report. He currently heads the American Israel Cooperative Enterprise, a not-for-profit organization is 'dedicated to promoting the U.S.-Israel partnership via joint educational projects and publishing pro-Israel material.'[1]


Speakers Bureaus

Bard is a member of the speakers bureaus of




  1. Nathan Guttman, Take That, Walt and Mearsheimer: An Author Scrutinizes the Arab Lobby, The Forward, 27 August 2010
  2. Text of Conference Invite Email
  3. Mitchell Bard biography,, accessed 10 August 2010
  4. Alan Dershowitz, The Arab Lobby Rules America, The Daily Beast, 24 August 2010
  5. Adam Serwer, Common Cause, The American Prospect, 26 August 2010
  6. Lee Smith, The Arab Lobby, The Tablet, 1 September 2010