David Wurmser

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David Wurmser is a neocon ideologue who advises Dick Cheney on the Middle East adviser. In 1996 he co-authored a policy paper for Israel's Likud party urging it to withdraw from the Oslo peace process. The report, titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm", was published by the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies. It advised the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "to work closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back" regional threats, help overthrow Saddam Hussein, and strike "Syrian military targets in Lebanon" and possibly in Syria proper. Other contributors to the report included Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.[1] Wurmser's 19998 book Tyranny's Ally subsequently served as the blue print for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.[2]

In 2000, Wurmser helped draft a document entitled "Ending Syria’s Occupation of Lebanon: the US Role?", which called for a confrontation with the regime in Damascus. The document said that Syria was developing "weapons of mass destruction".[3]

Wurmser's Israeli-born wife Meyrav Wurmser is the co-founder of MEMRI.

