Stephen de Souza

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Nuclear spin.png This article is part of the Nuclear Spin project of Spinwatch.

Stephen de Souza is a former UK senior civil servant who has worked for energy giant Statoil since April 2013.


Stephen de Souza's most recent government roles were as Head of Waste & Safety Policy in the Office for Nuclear Development and as Head Renewables Financial Incentives in the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change.

At Statoil he works on 'Renewable Energy - Wind, Business Development'. [1]


Responsible for policy on nuclear waste, safety, plutonium disposition, implementation of Paris-Brussels conventions on liability, nuclear fuel cycle and R&D. Director of NNL Holdings.
I was responsible for introducing the world’s most comprehensive system of renewable energy support: reforming the existing Renewables Obligation to properly support offshore wind and implementing 2 new incentives from scratch: the small-scale Feed-in tariff and the first of a kind Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).
  • Director Demand and Distributed Energy, Department of Trade and Industry, October 2006 – June 2007 (9 months)
  • Director, Department of Trade and Industry, Government Agency; 1001-5000 employees; 2000 – 2007 (7 years)[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Stephen de Souza, LinkedIn profile, acc 9 October 2013