Mrs Galt

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Mrs Galt is a pseudonym of an alleged associate of the terror expert Glen Jenvey who reportedly tracks Islamists online.[1]

According to an article for

Mrs Galt is an example of a new breed of cyber-savvy ordinary citizens who want to 'do their bit' by putting their computer skills to use in fighting terrorism. She reports to London-based private intelligence consultant Glen Jenvey, who makes his research available to government services, including the US's Federal Bureau of Investigation and the military intelligence agencies of Russia and India.[2]

Further Reading

  • The Washington Times August 9, 2003, Saturday, Final Edition 'Mom aids in hunting terrorists over Web; Nom de guerre is iMrs. Galt' BYLINE: By Neil Doyle, SECTION: PAGE ONE; Pg. A01
  • The Washington Times August 17, 2003, Sunday, Final Edition BYLINE: By David Jones, THE WASHINGTON TIMES SECTION: WORLD; WORLD REVIEW; Pg. A07 LENGTH: 733 words


  1. Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - Page updated at 12:25 A.M. It's 4 a.m. in Montana, and a cyberspy is at work By Mike Carter Seattle Times staff reporter
  2. Home > US Edition > Report This woman hunts down terrorists, August 13, 2003 10:32 IST