Jane Bonham Carter

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Baroness Jane Bonham Carter is a television producer working for Ten Alps (or previously: Brook Lapping Productions. She is also the Liberal Democrat spokesperson in the Lords on Broadcasting. She is a member of the Liberal Democrat Campaigns and Communications Committee; Advisory Board for the Centre for Reform; Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust and a council member of Britain in Europe [1].

Career history

  • Producer, Ten Alps-Brook Lapping Productions, (1999-present)
  • Director of Communications for the Liberal Democrats (1996-1998).
  • Editor of A Week in Politics for Channel 4 (1993-1996).
  • Producer of Panorama and Newsnight for the BBC (1988-1993).


External links

The Liberal Democrats

Brook Lapping Productions


  1. ^ The Liberal Democrats 'Baroness Jane Bonham Carter of Yarnbury', accessed 18 July 2007.