Burson-Marsteller UK Clients, PRCA Yearbook 2004

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  • Contact
Andrew Wigley
  • Address
24-28 Bloomsbury Way
  • Telephone
020 7831 6262
  • Fax
020 7430 1033
  • E-mail
  • Website
  • Quality Assessment Achieved
Consultancy Management Standard
  • Business Commenced
  • Employees


Range of Sevices

The European flagship office for Burson-Marsteller, the world's largest communications consultancy; B-M London is a dynamic and creative PR agency dedicated to delivering insightful strategy and ideas for boards and their brands.

Clients are UK specific and multinational, covering a broad range of companies - from large public to private firms, as well as professional, government and non-profit organisations. Shamelessly building 'unfair advantages' for clients, increasingly Burson-Marsteller provides integrated communications. Specific expertise includes media relations, financial and corporate communications, public affairs, crisis communications, issues management, brand marketing, technology healthcare, corporate social responsibility, new media and e-commerce and executive coaching/media training. In addition, B-M London is home to a branch of premier public affairs agency BKSH, as well as Marsteller, the world-renowned advertising agency. In a world of overbranded, confused and hard to reach target audiences Burson-Marsteller's unique approach to communication problems results in influencing the influencers.

Fee Income

Unable to disclose - Sarbanes Oxley Act

Current Clients


Ad Hoc Clients



Holders of Public Office


Parent or Principal Company

Subsidiary Companies

PR Burson-Marsteller's seamless is designed to deliver premium, integrated services through 46 wholly-owned offices and 51 affiliate offices, together operating in 57 countries across six continents.

Associate Companies


Overseas Owned Offices

WITHIN: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peoples Republic of China, PuertoRico, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela

International Affiliates

WITHIN: Austria, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dubai, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Gulf, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Morocco, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Yemen, Zimbabwe

Other Addresses


  • client retained for more than three years ** client retained for more than five years