Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers

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The Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers claims to be an "unrivalled network of entreprenerial retailers and industry suppliers that champions the smaller independent companies that own and operate Britain's pubs and restuarants". However their membership includes most of the large alcohol producers and sellers operating within the UK, including Scottish & Newcastle, Diageo, The Royal Bank of Scotland and Ernest & Julio Winery Europe to name only a few, their membersip is extensive.

The ALMR are particularly keen to act on issues related to the profits of the core membership. According to their web site the ALMR operates at the centre of the political arena which allows it to get the earliest and best information for members; and in key positions to excert influence the best outcomes for the licensed retail sector. [1]

The ALMR does not permitt their web site to be used to gather information for data bases and other web sites, therefore its membership is not listed here, but is available on the link below.


  1. ALMR Web Site About Us Accessed April 2007