User talk:Kola Alapinni
1. Having a look at Is there any omission or important detail left out?Shell in Nigeria.
2. Burson-Marsteller's PR work for the Nigerian govt and Shell.
3. Halliburton's role in Nigeria?
4. Check all the pages which relate to oil. Ensure that all the relevant pages are properly categorized. 'Oil Industry
5. Invent new categories relating the the oil industry or climate etc
6. David Simon/Lord simon of Highbury on the site is out of date and not up to standard in that it has no references and needs updating and expanding.
a. references for all the assertions
b. a list of Simons affiliations.
c. an update on his current status. (you might also like to add:)
d. any Nigerian/African connections or issues?
7. ==Affilations== Centre for European Policy Studies | Centre for European Reform | Green Alliance