User talk:Kola Alapinni

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1. Having a look at Is there any omission or important detail left out?Shell in Nigeria.

2. Burson-Marsteller's PR work for the Nigerian govt and Shell.

3. Halliburton's role in Nigeria?

4. Check all the pages which relate to oil. Ensure that all the relevant pages are properly categorized. 'Oil Industry

5. Invent new categories relating the the oil industry or climate etc

6. David Simon/Lord simon of Highbury on the site is out of date and not up to standard in that it has no references and needs updating and expanding.

a. references for all the assertions

b. a list of Simons affiliations.

c. an update on his current status. (you might also like to add:)

d. any Nigerian/African connections or issues?

7. ==Affilations== Centre for European Policy Studies | Centre for European Reform | Green Alliance



HI Kola

Welcome to spin!

just an editing point. In David Simon

you have:

Currently Lord Simon is a member of the Centre for European Studies CEPS Board of Directors in Brussels, Belgium. He favours a European Free Market and the right of European companies to trade within the Union.

can you just add a ref to this info and all other info that you add to spin? The article is an old one and so is not properly referenced but we need to focus on referencing all recently added material and we are constantly working to try to bring the old articles up to standard.


for how to do this and do ask me if you run into problems. you can leave me a message by clicking on my signature link below and it will take you to my talk page. Go to Edit, hit the + sign and type away, then save.

many thanks for your work --Claire Robinson 19:08, 23 September 2009 (UTC) managing ed