Centre for Conflict Studies, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry

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The Centre for Conflict Studies, organized in 1980, is at present directed by David Charters, who once served as its co-director under Maurice Tugwell, now of the Mackenzie Institute for the Study of Terrorism, Revolution and Propaganda. Charters and Tugwell both completed graduate work in "war studies" at King's College, London, and have worked together on various projects, including a paper for the U.S. National Defense University and National Strategy Information Center entitled "Special Operations and the Threats to United States Interests in the 1980s." [1] Both Charters and Tugwell are advocates of the doctrine of low-intensity conflict and the use of pre-emptive retaliation against suspected terrorists, terrorists confined exclusively to those identified as such in the frame of the Western model.

Although CCS was established at the University of New Brunswick, it teaches no courses and its staff is not on the faculty. It is more "a private company operating as an idiosyncratic kind of University protectorate." [2] Its work consists largely of contract projects with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Police College, the U.S. Department of Defense, and NATO. For NATO, it produced a document entitled 'On the Soviet Threat to NATO'.

Charters currently edits 'Conflict Quarterly', the journal of the Centre for Conflict Studies. Tugwell, Paul Wilkinson, and Stephen Sloan of the consulting and security firm Booz, Allen and Hamilton are among the members of its editorial advisory board.


  • ^ 1. Frank Barnett et al., Special Operations in US Strategy (Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1984).
  • ^ 2. Robert Stanley, "Maurice Tugwell: The Art of Propaganda;' New Maritimes, June 1986, p. 13.