Wine and Spirit Trade Association

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The UK Based Wine & Spirit Trade Association (est 1824) represents the interests of the wine and spirits supply chain, this includes: producers, importers, wholesalers, bottlers, warehouse keepers, logistics specialists, brand owners, licensed retailers and consultants. According to their website the association "work with its members to promote the responsible production, marketing and sale of Alcohol and to share best practice with the entire trade" [1].

The WSTA's chief executive Jeremy Beadles responded to recent calls for increases in alcohol taxation by the WHO and other public health experts as an attempt to stem the growing social and health costs of alcohol consumption in society by saying

"The health lobby admit they want everyone to pay for the sins of a few. This is wrong and consumers will see it as an unfair attack on the innocent rather than a practical step to solve the problem... Alcohol misuse does cause problems. That’s why we should all focus our efforts on educating and treating those who misuse alcohol. We should not punish millions of ordinary hard working families by increasing the financial burden they already face." [2].

Assuming the role of a defender of hard working families is a position regularly adopted by Beadles and the WSTA. They adopted the same position when the UK chancellor introduced modest tax increases on alcohol in the March 2008 budget, calling the rise an "attack on consumers" [3]. This is one of many common positions taken by the alcohol industry when defending their business interests. It stands in opostion to existing evidence that finds increasing price and reducing availability are the only factors which effectively reduce consumption of alcohol and in turn the associated harms.

WSTA Executive Board



  1. WSTA Website About Us Last accessed April 25th 2008
  2. WSTA Website Health Warning: Campaigners Want to Punish Us All Last accessed April 24th
  3. WSTA Website WSTA Condemns Government's Attack on Consumers Last accessed 24th April 2008
  4. WSTA Website Executive Board Last accessed April 24th 2008