Bockorny Group

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The Backorny Group is a Washington based bipartisan Government affairs firm which primarily serves corporate and trade associations[1].

Their advertised services include[2]...

  • Government Relations
  • Issue Management
  • Political Outreach

Their 'Key Practice Areas' are describes as[3]...

  • Agriculture / Food Policy
  • Appropriations / Procurement
  • Energy Policy
  • Financial Services / Insurance
  • Healthcare Policy
  • Telecommunications / Technology
  • Trade / International Commerce
  • Tax Policy
  • Transportation Policy


The Barchony Group boast of strong Republican and Democratic ties in the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate and in the Administration[4].

In 2008, the staff of the Bockorny Group are listed as[5]...

  • David A Bockorny - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Bockorny biography descibes how he has been a principal in the firm for nearly 20 years and that his 'tenure as the leader of the Bockorny Group has involved him in virtually every major industry and political battle in Congress over the past 20 years'. Bockorny has also served Senator James Abdnor of South Dakota, was Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs for President Ronald Reagan(where he was responsibile for implementing the Reagan Administration’s legislative agenda in the House) and was Director of Congressional Liaison for President George H.W. Bush (in the 1992 Presidential Campaign), He also lobbyied on behalf of the National Association of Realtors ('the nation’s largest real estate advocacy group where he served as Staff Vice President for Legislative Liaison from 1981 to 1985'). Bockorny has been named as a top “K Street” lobbyist by The Hill.
  • Chuck Crowders - Crowders joined the Bockorny Group in 2007. He is described as being 'a 20-year member of the Tax Executive Institute' and having 'long-standing relationships with members of the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees'. Crowders previously served AT&T (where he helped to establish AT&T subsidiary, "American Bell”), was Vice President and Head of Avaya Inc. (Global Government Affairs), was assistant manager in the Comptroller's organization in Ohio and served Lucent Technologies governmental affairs team.
  • Michaela Sims - Sims is described as having a key role in the Senate Centrist Coalition. She joined the Bockorny Group in 2007 'after serving nearly ten years in the Senate' (most recently as Legislative Counsel for Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson). She also served as Legislative Director and Legislative Counsel for former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey.
  • Todd Thorpe - Thorpe joined the Bockorny Group in 2006 after serving in various positions on Capitol Hill for more than 8 years. He was previously the Chief of Staff for Utah Congressman Chris Cannon and worked for former Representative Jim Hansen of Utah and United States Senator John Ensign of Nevada.


In 2008, the Bockorny Group list the following as a 'representative' list of their clients...


  1. Bockorny Group About Accessed 26th March 2008
  2. Backorny Group Services Accessed 26th March 2008
  3. Backorny Group Services Accessed 26th March 2008
  4. Backorny Group Services Accessed 26th March 2008
  5. Bockorny Group People Accessed 26th March 2008