Roger Ewart-Smith

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Ewart-Smith joined the merchant bank NM Rothschild in 1988. He is Managing Director within the energy team. He is seen as a key figure within the city, pushing for a new nuclear build.

Nuclear Clients

During the past five years he has had a particular focus on the nuclear sector and advised BNFL in relation both to its own restructuring and its role in the restructuring of British Energy. He also lead the team advising BNFL on the sale of Westinghouse. [1]

The Nuclear Conference circuit

Ewart-Smith is a key banker on the nuclear conference circuit. He spoke at the World Nuclear Association Annual Symposium in September in London. [2]

BNES conference

He is due to speak at the Adam Smith Institute's inaugural "Nuclear Industry Forum" in May 2006 along with:

  • Vincent de Rivaz, CEO, EDF Energy
  • Vincent Maurel, Member of the Executive Board, President & CEO of Framatome ANP, Areva
  • Andrew Duff, CEO, RWE nPower
  • Bill Coley, CEO, British Energy
  • Sir David King, Chief Scientific Advisor, HM Government
  • Jake Ulrich, Managing Director, Centrica Energy
  • Lauri Piekkari, Vice President Finance, TVO
  • Chris Murray, Chief Executive, Nirex
  • Dieter Helm, Official Fellow in Economics, New College, Oxford
  • Dr Sue Ion, President, BNES [3]

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