Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations

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The Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN) was created through the Trade Act of 1974[1] and is an advisory committee for the United States Trade Representative (USTR)[2]. The USTR was founded in 1962, has offices in Geneva and Brussels and works to...

'negotiate directly with foreign governments to create trade agreements, resolve disputes and participate in global trade policy organizations. They also meet with governments, business groups, legislators and public interest groups to gather input on trade issues and explain the president’s trade policy positions'[3].

'USTR is part of the Executive Office of the President. Through an interagency structure, USTR coordinates trade policy, resolves disagreements, and frames issues for presidential decision'. It is also 'responsible for developing and coordinating U.S. international trade, commodity, and direct investment policy, and overseeing negotiations with other countries'.[4].

ACTPN is reported to have 'helped President Bill Clinton sell Nafta to Congress in 1993, and then the Uruguay Round that launched the World Trade Organization in 1994-95'[5].


In January 2007, ACTPN members are listed as[6]...

Former Chairman of ACTPN James D Robinson III has served on Coca Cola's Board of Directors since 1975 and is described in his biography[7] as a general partner and co-founder of RRE Ventures, president of J D Robinson Inc. (a strategic consulting firm) and non-executive chairman of the Board of Directors for Bristol-Myers Squibb (since 1976). He also serves on the Boards of Directors of Novell Inc., Visiprise and PrimeRevenue. Robinson is a member of the Business Council and the Council on Foreign Relations, an honorary trustee of the Brookings Institution and honorary chairman of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Robinson was previously Chairman and CEO of American Express Company (1977 to 1993) and Co-Chairman of the Business Roundtable.

Robinson is reported as serving the ACTPN in 1991[8] (whilst he was also serving as Chairman & CEO of American Express).

Other former members include Donald Fites of Caterpillar Inc., Edwin Artzt of Procter & Gamble, A W Clausen of BankAmerica Corp., Frank Shrontz of The Boeing Co., John Pepper of Procter & Gamble and Louis Gerstner of IBM[9]

Sidney Taurel - Chairman & CEO of Eli Lilly and Company is also on the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations[10]. Taurel is also a member of the boards of IBM Corporation, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., the RCA Tennis Championships, is a member of the board of overseers of the Columbia Business School, a trustee at Indianapolis Museum of Art, a member of The Business Council and The Business Roundtable and is an officer of the French Legion of Honor. Taurel was previously president and a member of the executive committee of the board of directors for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

George M C Fisher, who is a previous member of the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations, is also on the Board of Directors for Eli Lilly and Company[11] [12]. Fisher is also a Senior Advisor for Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Company and Presiding Director of General Motors Corporation. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the International Academy of Astronautics. Fisher's previous involvements include serving as chairman & CEO for Motorola Inc. and the Eastman Kodak Company. He worked for ten years in research and development at Bell Telephone Laboratories, served as Chairman of PanAmSat Corporation and was on the boards of AT&T, American Express Company, Comcast Corporation, Delta Air Lines Inc., Eastman Kodak Company, Hughes Electronics Corporation, Motorola, Inc., Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Brown University and The National Urban League Inc. Fisher also served as chairman of the National Academy of Engineering (2000-2004), is a former member of the boards of the University of Illinois Foundation (1997-1999) and the U.S.-China Business Council (1997-1999), former chairman the Council on Competitiveness (1991-1993), former member of the World Wildlife Fund National Council and Trustee Emeritus of George Eastman House. He also previously served as Vice Chairman for The Business Council (1997-1999) and as Chairman of the Industry Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC). It is also reported that Fisher 'has been active in U.S./International trade issues through advisory groups to the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. Secretary of Commerce'.


  1. Greg Rushford (2003) 'ACTPN: Selling the Bush trade agenda' The Rushford Report. Accessed 21st January 2008
  2. United States Trade Representatives USTR Advisory Committees Accessed 21st January 2008
  3. United States Trade Representative Who We Are Accessed 21st January 2008
  4. United States Trade Representative Mission of the USTR Accessed 21st January 2008
  5. Greg Rushford (2003) 'ACTPN: Selling the Bush trade agenda' The Rushford Report. Accessed 21st January 2008
  6. Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations Advisory Committee Lists Accessed 21st January 2008
  7. Coca Cola Company James D Robinson Accessed 21st January 2008
  8. Greg Rushford (2003) 'ACTPN: Selling the Bush trade agenda' The Rushford Report. Accessed 21st January 2008
  9. Greg Rushford (2003) 'ACTPN: Selling the Bush trade agenda' The Rushford Report. Accessed 21st January 2008
  10. Eli Lilly and Company Sidney Taurel Accessed 31st January 2008
  11. Eli Lilly and Company George M C Fisher Accessed 31st January 2008
  12. Clinton Presidential Centre President Names Members to Advisory Committee for Trade Policy Accessed 31st January 2008