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Revision as of 17:16, 17 January 2008 by Lynn Hill (talk | contribs) (clients, affiliations)
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I&E is a French based PR agency established in 1962[1].

They operate through four divisions[2]...

  • I&E Decision - Opinion monitoring and analysis.
  • I&E Consultants - PR consultancy.
  • I&E Expressions - Graphic creation, corporate media and publishing.
  • I&E Management - Change management.

I&E advertise their areas of expertise as comprising[3]...

  • Context and Audience Analysis - Media surveys and evaluation, Image assessments and communication analyses, Monitoring and anticipation.
  • Public Relations Management - Public Affairs, Public Information Campaigns, BtoB communications, Financial communications, Local consultations/public debates, Strategic advice, International business development, Community involvement.
  • Designing tools to enhance the value of your message - Editorial strategies and corporate press, Corporate publications, Press relations and event-specific documents, Campaign advertising.
  • Managing Change, Mastering Transition - Strategic advice to management, Management consulting, Communicationg change, Cultural analysis.


In January 2008, I&E list the following management team[4]...

Senior Management Team - Isabelle Veillon, Stephane Mahon, Vincent Manesse, Donovan Hawker, Laurent Reynes and Caroline Clouet


On their website, I&E stress that their clients are their 'partners' rather than simply 'accounts'. Clients listed in January 2008 are[5]...

The Public Relations Organisation International in January 2008 list I&E's 'main clients' as comprising[6]...


In January 2008, I&E are listed as a member of the Public Relations Organisation International[7]


  1. Public Relations Organisation International Profiles Accessed 17th January 2008
  2. I&E About Us Accessed 17th January 2008
  3. I&E Areas of Expertise Accessed 17th January 2008
  4. I&E About Us Accessed 17th January 2008
  5. I&E Clients Accessed 17th January 2008
  6. Public Relations Organisation International Profile Accessed 17th January 2008
  7. Public Relations Organisation International Profiles Accessed 17th January 2008