International Media Intelligence Analysis

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International Media Intelligence Analysis is an e-newsletter service affiliated with Réalité EU. It was set up in August 2005 by its director Simon Barrett.

According to its website the company “exposes the threats from state sponsors of terrorist organisations, extremist leaders and groups, financing of terrorism, proliferation of nuclear weapons, human rights violations as well as counter terrorist organisations' initiatives”.[1] Réalité EU describes it as follows: 'provides journalists with specialised information on Israel, Middle East and terrorism related issues. IMIA also provides a biweekly news alert with information not generally covered by the mainstream media.'[2]

The company is jointly owned by Simon Barrett and Jill Sinclair, a wealthy Jewish businesswoman who co-founded ZTT Records with her husband Trevor Horn.[3]

It is registered to 8-10 Basing Street, London which is also the address of ZTT Records and several other associated companies.


Simon Barrett is quoted in a Christian Broadcasting Network news report on the cartoon riots early 2006:

Terrorism expert Simon Barrett advises members of Parliament on terrorism issues. Barrett said, “Having spoken to a number of journalists and asking them questions -- would your paper be prepared to publish these cartoons? The answer [they give] is no, because we fear that we would be targeted, we would firebombed and we would labeled as being anti-Islamic.”[4]

You can hear Barrett on the neo-con podcasts at Global Crisis Watch ("from the heartland of America, this is Global Crisis Watch -- taking you to the frontline on the war off ideas. With people who are fighting tyranny and terrorism with the poles of freedom. From the Twin Cities I am Richard Lafayette, and from inside the Washington Beltway, I'm Nick Grace. This is Global Crisis Watch")[5]


Open Europe and International Media Intelligence Analysis held a briefing on 'Iran, Britain and Europe: Post hostage crisis, what can we expect next?' in Committee Room 9, House of Commons, Tuesday 22 May 2007, 2-4pm. With: Mark Fitzpatrick, Director of Non-Proliferation International Institute for Strategic Studies; Claude Moniquet, Director European Strategic and Intelligence Center; Patrick Mercer MP; Nazenin Ansari, Diplomatic Editor, Kayhan.[6]


Réalité EU


  1. Website of International Media Intelligence Analysis (accessed 20 December 2007)
  2. Realite-EU Expert Sources (access 20 December 2007)
  3. Alan Montague, The band with 200 hits behind them, Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 2007 (accessed 20 December 2007)
  4. More Muslim Riots over Cartoons, Fatwa Issued for Cartoonist By Dale Hurd CBN News Sr. Reporter, 20 February 2006.
  5. e.g. in this podcast:
  6. Open Europe Events, accessed 20 December 2007