Iraq War 2003
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Key Players
The Executive
Vice President's Office
Department of Defense
Department of State
National Security Agency
Defence Policy Board
The Legislative
Civil Society
Think Tanks
- American Enterprise Institute
- Washington Institute for Near East Policy
- Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
- Center for Security Policy
- Saban Center for Middle East Policy
Citizens and Pressure Groups
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- Judith Miller
- Michael Gordon
- Charles Krauthammer
- George Will
- Thomas Friedman
- Kenneth Pollock
External Resources
- David Miller (ed.), Tell Me Lies: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq], Pluto Press 2004.
- Paul de Rooij, A Riposte to Gen. Powell: Where are the Incubators?, CounterPunch, 6 Feb. 2003. (curious element of this article is that it was published in CounterPunch two hours after the infamous speech)
- Paul de Rooij, Arrogant Propaganda: US Propaganda During the First 10 Days of the Iraq War, CounterPunch, 31 March 2003.
- Paul de Rooij, The Hydra's New Head: Propagandists and Selling the US-Iraq War, CounterPunch, 14 May 2003.