European Network of Experts on Radicalisation

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The radicalisation phenomenon in Europe: present challenges and future trajectories - February 2009

The European Network of Experts on Radicalisation (ENER) managed by The Change Institute (London) and supported by the European Commission organised a seminar entitled 'The radicalisation phenomenon in Europe: present challenges and future trajectories' in February 2009. The ENER consists of a network of leading experts on radicalisation from different academic disciplines who are renowned specialists in their field. Focusing on violent radicalisation and extremism that leads to acts of terrorism, the work of ENER aims to deepen understanding of the violent radicalisation phenomenon in order to enhance counter-terrorism and preventive approaches being pursued at EU and Member State levels. [1]


According to a response to an Access to Documents request the following names of members were released:

Please find underneath the list of members of ENER we 1) were able to find contact details of, 2) replied to us in time for this reply and 3) agreed for their name to be disclosed.
The treatment of personal data is dealt with under the Regulation 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (see under ) According to this regulation 45/2001, ENER members were free to disagree to their name being disclosed.


  1. Council of the European Union [ Subject : Report on the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Terrorism] NOTE from : EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator to : COREPER/Council/European Council, 9715/1/09 REV 1, 2 June 2009.
  2. From: EC ARES NOREPLY <> Subject: Ares(2017)4436492 - FW: Confirmatory decision taken on your request for access to documents registered under Gestdem number 2017/3967 Date: 12 September 2017 at 08:21:00 BST To: "" <>