Avital Leibovich

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Major Avital Leibovich is the head of the Foreign Press Branch of the Israel Defence Forces.[1]

Operation Cast Lead

During Operation Cast Lead, Israel's invasion of Gaza in December 2008/January 2009, Leibovich was responsible for the creation of a dedicated IDF blog and Youtube channel. She explained the thinking behind the move in an interview with the Jerusalem Post.

"The blogosphere and new media are another war zone," said Foreign Press Branch head Maj. Avital Leibovich. "We have to be relevant there," she said.
Her sentiment reflects a growing awareness in the Israeli government that part of the failure of the 2006 Lebanon campaign was Israel's lack of readiness for the intense media debate surrounding its operations. Since the beginning of the Gaza air strikes, Israeli politicians have been appearing regularly on the largest international news networks to defend the IDF.[2]



External Resources

YouTube, IDF Spokesperson's Unit


  1. Max Socol, IDF launches YouTube Gaza channel, jpost.com, 30 December 2008.
  2. Max Socol, IDF launches YouTube Gaza channel, jpost.com, 30 December 2008.