Lancashire for Shale

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Lancashire for Shale logo

Lancashire for Shale is a pro-shale business group in Lancashire, set up in July 2016. It is closely affiliated with the pro-shale lobby group North West Energy Task Force run by lobbyists Westbourne Communications. Both groups are part funded by fracking firms Cuadrilla Resources and Centrica, among others

The group has been criticised by local communities against fracking as operating as a 'front group' for the shale gas companies.


Mission statement:

Lancashire For Shale is charged with understanding how the responsible extraction of natural gas from Lancashire’s shale can be used to create jobs, generate economic growth and boost local revenues.'



According to its website:

Lancashire For Shale receives funding support from a range of people, businesses and organisations including Cuadrilla Resources and Centrica, WJF Technical Support, Abbey Telecom, Stay Blackpool and the Onshore Energy Services Group. We thank them for helping us to position Lancashire to make the most of the jobs, opportunities and investment that shale gas could one day bring. Our activities and views are independent of our financial supporters.


Steering Group



