Christine Tasin

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Christine Tasin, Source:

Christine Tasin is a French counterjihad activist and as of February 2015 was President of the organisation Résistance Républicaine.


According to the right-wing news site Breitbart, Tasin is a 58-year old retired school-teacher.[1]



Tasin co-authored with Pierre Cassen an anti-'Islamisation' book Assises Internationales sur L’Islamisation de nos Pays in 2011.[2]


Her group Résistance Républicaine works closely with Cassen's organisation Riposte Laïque. The two organisations called a joint demo for 18 January 2015, inspired by the PEGIDA rallies in Germany.[3]

Conviction and appeal

A French court convicted Tasin of was convicted inciting violence against Muslims, after she called Islam a 'cesspit'. She also reportedly protested against a 'temporary tent-abattoir set up in a car-park near a hospital to ritually slaughter animals for Eid'. She was issued with a €4,500 fine and handed a three month jail sentence. However, her conviction was overturned on appeal in December 2014.[1]

Financial support from North American neocons

Right-wing news site Breitbart reports that her appeal was supported by Daniel Pipes U.S.-based Legal Project, part of his Middle East Forum.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Oliver Lane, COURT OF APPEAL OVERTURNS CONVICTION OF WOMAN PROSECUTED FOR INSULTING ISLAM, Breitbart News, 22 December 2014, accessed 3 February 2015
  2. Hope Not Hate, Riposte Laïque, Counterjihad Report: France, accessed 3 February 2015
  3. Will anti-Islam protests take off in France?, The Local, 6 January 2015