Portcullis Public Affairs

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Portcullis and Butler Kelly's London office, 11 Haymarket

London-based PR and lobbying consultancy set up by chairman Charles Cockburn in 1989.


Ineos was one of its biggest public affairs and corporate clients for three years until July 2014, when they lost the account to PR and lobbying giant Burson-Marsteller. [1]

Portcullis chairman Charles Cockburn presented a positive spin on the loss, telling Public Affairs News about the results his agency had achieved for Ineos in recent years:

On one of our recent projects for Ineos we delivered a return on their investment of more than 12,000% and this comes hard on the heels of helping our client secure Grangemouth’s future late last year.
We note last Thursday’s announcement by Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, that INEOS would benefit from a loan guarantee of £230 million to underpin the investment in the Grangemouth plant to enable it to store and process shale gas shipped in from the US. We are proud of the part we have played in producing this excellent result, which will secure jobs in Scotland while benefiting the wider UK chemicals industry."
Cockburn added: "Ineos has now moved on, after three years, as we have delivered the goods. We are delighted that our advice on Grangemouth produced such a brilliant result." [1]

Registrar of consultant lobbyists

The register of consultant lobbyists documents those clients on behalf of whom Portcullis has lobbied government ministers, and the firms 2015 filings are as follows:

January - March 2015

Eric Evans Memorial Trust | Takeda

April - June 2015

Eric Evans Memorial Trust

July - September 2015


October - December 2015

Cepheid | CSL Behring | Eric Evans Memorial Trust [2]

January - March 2016

DP Rail Limited [3]

April - June 2016

DP Rail Limited | Eric Evans Memorial Trust | Station-to-Station - Queen's Celebration [4]


Former staff


Address: 11 Haymarket,
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7368 3100
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7368 3101
Website: http://www.portcullispublicaffairs.com/


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ineos blow for Portcullis, Public Affairs News, 23 July 2014
  2. Portcullis Public Affairs profile 2015, Registrar of consultant lobbyists, accessed 8 February 2016
  3. Portcullis PA profile 2016, Registrar of consultant lobbyists, accessed 3 May 2016
  4. 'Portcullis Public Affairs profile 2016', Register of consultant lobbyists, accessed 21 July 2016
  5. Rod Muir Power of six for Burson-Marsteller Public Affairs News, 30 October 2014, accessed 31 October 2014