Global Education Leaders’ Partnership

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Global Education Leaders’ Partnership (sometimes referred to as Global Education Leaders Program), or GELP is a group of education reformers operating in and across countries, with a particular focus on pushing the digitisation of learning.

GELP was initiated in 2009, and then funded and, until 2011 managed by, the technology giant Cisco. It should be seen as part of a much wider effort by Cisco (and other technology interests) to reform education systems around the world through technology (see Cisco profile for more of its lobbying for education reform).

Since 2011, GELP has been run by the UK-based Innovation Unit.

It modestly says it is ‘dedicated to reimagining the future of education at a global scale’.

A Cisco project

GELP began life as a series of ‘white papers’ for technology multinational Cisco.[1]

According to Cisco, it 'launched the Global Education Leaders Program (GELP) in September 2009 to challenge and support education leaders ready to implement the vision outlined in the white paper Equipping Every Learner for the 21st Century.[2]

The publication, published the previous year, was described by Cisco as 'only one contribution to the flood of new thinking that is coursing through education systems in every part of the world.' Following this, Cisco brought together 'opinion leaders, educators, and politicians from developed and developing nations' to discuss its education reform ideas. 'Our aim is collectively to refine a vision for 21st century learning, and to gather the best and most powerful insights into how that vision can be realized,' it said in 2008. Cisco's thinking was subsequently published at: (no longer live; accessible via Wayback).

According to Cisco, the core ideas of Equipping Every Learner for the 21st Century were initiated by the company's internal education strategists, but it also worked with, among others, Michael Barber and Tony Mackay. It also consulted with CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking), P21 (Partnership for 21st Learning), and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) in the US.[3]

In July 2011, Cisco transitioned ownership and management of GELP to the the Innovation Unit.

Lobbying for education reform

GELP describes itself as a ‘community of key education system leaders, policy-makers, thought-leaders and world-class consultants collaborating to transform education at local, national and international levels.'

Main objectives

GELP lists its aims as:

  • 'accelerate and sustain transformation' in the education systems in which it works;
  • develop 'transformational capacity' in education 'system leaders' in these countries;
  • define and lobby for its vision of '21st century' education; and
  • manage the network of education leaders and 'change agents' pushing reform around the world.

Where it works

To date, GELP has worked with policy makers in the following jurisdictions[4]

  • Finland
  • Brazil
  • India
  • South Korea
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
  • England
  • Victoria, Australia
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • Ontario, Canada
  • New Zealand


Modus operandi

According to GELP, every six months GELP teams from countries around the world gather to share ideas and compare notes.

It says that the first three years of the programme were spent building this community of reformers and refining their 'vision for the future of education'.

More recently the focus for GELP and individual country teams has been on 'dealing with practical challenges as they move from ideation to implementation and transform their education systems for real'.[5]

How to reform public education systems

GELP has come up with a blueprint – a series of strategies – for reforming education systems.

These strategies are outlined in a 2013 publication, Redesigning Education, which, GELP hopes, will also be used by countries as yet untouched by GELP.

GELP’s ‘roadmap’ for radical reform of whole education systems is made up of the following components:

  • create narratives and messages for why reform is needed
  • build an ‘ecosystem’ of different actors to support and grow reform efforts
  • mobilise demand for new forms of education among students, parents and teachers
  • create networks, or chains of schools
  • develop a technology strategy
  • government to introduce policies that ‘enable’ reform to happen: these include policies on:
    • curriculum
    • assessment
    • accountability
    • funding
    • teacher recruitment and training

Taken together these strategies, according to GELP, ‘present a very different approach to system-wide change and scale from conventional means of transformation’, presumably government-led, top-down reform.

'Rather than the trench warfare often associated with system reform, this approach relies more on organic growth, akin to the building of a social movement'[6]

Such ‘campaign efforts’ have obvious benefits over government mandated reform, says GELP: ‘it provides support to those struggling with the inevitable barriers and resistances’ and gives reformers ‘a common cause’. [7]

Construct a narrative

'All jurisdictions start their journeys by building and communicating a powerful case for change... Without creating a sense of urgency, transformation will always take second place to the daily pressures of current practice.’[8]

Coming up with this 'compelling case for change' is the ‘critical first step’, according to GELP. It ‘creates receptivity’.

Taking lessons from the public relations industry, GELP says the narrative needs to:

  • ‘combine an emotional and a rational appeal': personal stories as well as statistics;
  • address global factors but relate them to local conditions
  • critique the current system as being appropriate to the past, but inadequate for the future
  • present a truly inspirational vision of what transformed education could be like
  • appeal to a range of audiences – from policy-makers to parents – and use different formats, such as ‘short arresting videos’.

Common elements in the ‘cases for change’ developed by GELP jurisdictions include:

  • 'International comparisons of school performance': we see this in the constant focus by governments on PISA scores, which report on the performance of students across countries
  • 'Existing educational inequalities': for example, reformers in New York have argued that change is needed to address inequalities between different social groups. While there is obvious truth in this as a problem, there's little evidence that the reformers' solution can solve it. A cynical reading would be that this is simply a communications strategy, rather than being based in reality. As Terry Moe and John Chubb outline in their 2009 book Liberating Learning, market reformers since 1990 ‘have focused most of their reform efforts on poor and minority parents in the inner cities.’ The ‘modern arguments’ for school privatisation are around ‘social equity’, not ‘free markets’.[9]
  • 'Student disengagement and dissatisfaction': Pearson, for example, surveys pupils on student satisfaction, particularly in relation to technology use.
  • 'The economic and social demands for new skills and behaviours': there has been a huge surge in public debates around ‘21st century skills’ and what schools should teach in an age when information can just be Googled; as well as the need for schools to foster positive behaviour traits, such as ‘grit’, that children – they argue – will need to cultivate in order to succeed.
  • 'Insights from the learning sciences': take the ‘early learning’ market, for instance, which according to investors, is where ‘smart brain research/neuroscience is actually being applied to learning products and services’, a market that one investor describes in 2014 as ‘hot’.[10]
  • 'The possibilities opened up by new technologies and social media'. The Education Foundation's Facebook Guide for Educators, funded by Facebook, for example, makes the case for Facebook as a 'vital tool for teaching and learning in the 21st century and for making education more social'.[11]

What’s clear is that these narratives don’t have to be true: they are stories to sell a proposition, although, GELP notes, they will be ‘augmented with evidence... as transformation proceeds’.

Build an ‘ecosystem’

'As the compelling case for change becomes more widely promulgated, more and more educators and entrepreneurs are called to action.'

GELP's next reform strategy is to build what it calls the creation of 'nested communities' to spread the message, share knowledge and support each other.

These communities include: education system leaders, including politicians and officials, companies invested in education technology, edtech investors, think tanks and lobby groups, individual developers, early adopter teachers, as well as 'innovation labs' like the Innovation Unit that hosts GELP, and others.

Networks are supported and sustained through conferences, websites, newsletters, workshops, social media, 'teacher meet-ups', and hashtags. Corporate donations appear vital to their existance.

GELP cites itself as an example of a 'nested community'. Organisations in GELP's community include: the Innovation Unit started by the UK's Department for Education and Nesta, which was established by Tony Blair's government in 1998; corporate and philanthropic funders Cisco, Promethean, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; as well as wider networks that include a vast number of edtech champions, that includes: Google, Microsoft, RSA, Education Foundation, Facebook, Demos, Nominet Trust, Pearson, McKinsey & Company, World Summit on Innovation in Education, OECD, Asia Education Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies and many others.

'Innovation intermediaries', such as the Innovation Unit, of which GELP is a part, and Nesta, also part of its network, are seen as crucial in organising these networks. They also claim to be expert in 'system change'. Nesta, for example, produced a 'Discussion Paper on Systems Innovation, which points to the importance of the role of such intermediaries (it also incidentally identifies education as in need of 'system change'): 'Their overtly visionary work helps to clarify a desired end point', it says. 'Intermediaries of this kind can also orchestrate advocacy and campaigns – focused on key points of leverage, such as laws, or corporate behaviour – and deliver demonstrations of alternatives,' it adds. Nesta says it can help 'large firms', foundations and 'policy makers' 'think through their place within systems changes'.[12]

GELP sees these 'nested communities' as an essential part of what it calls the 'social movement' for reform (the other components being chains of independently-run schools, parent/pupil demand, and a changed workforce - see below for more on these). However, this movement for education reform appears unlike most other social movements, such as the women's movement, or the Labour movement. GELP, for example, is corporately funded; it directs from the centre; and appears not to enjoy popular support. Also, its aims could be seen as more beneficial to corporate interests, particularly the edtech interests funding it, rather than pupils and wider society, particularly given the lack of evidence that the reforms it advocates raise standards.

Other nested communities cited by GELP include New York City's iZone360 project, a 'community of innovation', which has been supported by Google among others and which has had substantial input from the UK's Innovation Unit and its head, David Albury. Alongside John White, a promient US education reformer, the team helped the City's education policy-makers come up with an 'innovation strategy', 'developed the overall design and innovation process and supported the community'. GELP has also helped to develop communities in Brazil, Australia and British Columbia.

Networks – like the one dubbed iZone360 – form a crucial part of the 'social movements' GELP sees as necessary for radically reconstructing the social reality of education.

GELP is excited about what it sees as this growing global community.

'German ornithologists and animal behaviorists use the word zugunruhe to describe the restlessness to move of flocks of birds and herds of animals before migration. Throughout the world, individuals and organisations are displaying this zugunruhe with regard to educational transformation.'[13]

Mobilise demand

'Students, their parents, carers and communities... enaging with them to mobilize demand for 21st century learning can be a powerful way of surmounting barriers, countering opposition and overcoming institutional inertia.'

GELP sees the radical reform of schools only happening with the involvement of 'users' (and 'user networks').

Students and parents need to be 'active agents in building the case for change' it says. It uses the example of what it sees as equivalent groups in the field of medicine: 'a major factor in the speed at which new drugs come into widespread use is the strength of the relevant patient networks and organisations.'[14] It is commonly known, however, that many such networks are more accurately described as third party lobbyists funded by pharmaceutical companies to promote the uptake of their drugs.

GELP suggests that reformers need to mobilise similar 'user groups' in education to call for radical changes in schools.

Create 'choice' through school chains

'We have started to see the formation in many countries of new networks, or chains of schools – some based on new models of learning, for example Kunskapsskolan, High Tech High and Big Picture – and many based on refinements of traditional models of education... [that] taken together, create choice within an education system.'[15]

According to GELP, school choice is another key driver of radical education reform. For example, independently-run school networks, like academy chains in the UK, can scale up innovations. A schools market will also allow for 'outdated models' of education to be displaced, says GELP.

GELP also notes that 'large commercial players' who were not previously in education, 'are now developing or using technologies to become education providers in their own right'. School chains are sometimes partners in this process, it explains. GELP doesn't elaborate further, but may be describing deals like the one between Google and the UK's largest academy chain, AET. It adopted Google Apps for Education and cloud service across its 68 schools in 2012. [16]

Develop a technology strategy

'Just as plumbing and wiring are essential and taken for granted in a modern house, so availability of digital resources, easy access to a world of content knowledge and mechanisms for collaboration are vital underpinnings of learning in the 21st century'[17]

Another must have for any reform effort is a technology strategy, or as GELP puts it a technology strategy is a 'unique potential accelerator of transformation'.

A technology strategy, according to GELP, could include a number of different elements, including:

  • Support for 'real-time, formative assessment', pupil profile building, and data-based decision-making at the pupil, lesson and school level
  • Support for digital learning resources, including games
  • Enable communication and colloration and social network 'within, between and beyond schools'.
  • Develop teachers' and pupils' capabilities in using technology
  • Adequate broadband in schools, 'with the requisite privacy, safety and secruity'

Much of this is already happening in schools. In England, for example:

  • Education secretary Nicky Morgan’s announcement in January 2016 that children will have to take 'high-stakes' online times-tables tests at the end of primary school could be seen as the start of more examinations moving online.[18]
  • In 2010, Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, Communications and the Creative Industries commissioned a review into schools, skills and the gaming industry. The report, funded by the industry and published by Nesta, argued for the inclusion of computing on the curriculum, and for more extensive use of gaming in learning.(see Next Gen. report: lobbying tool for technology interests)


GELP says it is, or has been, supported by the following companies and foundations: *Innovation Unit

GELP also says it ‘draws on specialist contributions from a wide range of partners, including to date [2013]:


GELP refers to its people as a 'faculty'.

Steering group


  1. What is Education 3.0, archived GELP website from 2013, accessed via Wayback Novemver 2015
  2. Equipping Every Learner for the 21st Century, Cisco publication, 2008
  3. Equipping Every Learner for the 21st Century, Cisco publication, 2008
  4. GELP, Cisco website, accessed November 2015
  5. Page 11, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  6. Page 103, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  7. Page 97, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  8. Page 116, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  9. [page 48, ‘‘Liberating Learning’, Chubb & Moe, 2009
  10. Education Insider Special Edition: Investor Perspectives, Whiteboard Advisors, December 2015
  11. Facebook Guide for Educators, Education Foundation, 2013
  12. Geoff Mulgan and Charles Leadbeater, Systems Innovation Discussion Paper, Nesta, January 2013
  13. Page 105, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  14. Page 95, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  15. Page 99, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  16. AET leads the way for UK academies with Google Apps, Google Education website, accessed February 2016
  17. Page 123, Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe, Innovation Unit for the Global Education Leaders' Program, 2013
  18. Morgan’s online times tables check leads way for more screen-based assessments, Schools Week, 8 January 2016