MZ Foundation

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A private foundation based in Oakland, California USA.


MZ Foundation is a private grant-making foundation committed to combating anti-Semitism in the United States and across the globe, and safeguarding the security of the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel. MZ Foundation has partnered with more than 70 different organizations across several continents. We do not accept outside contributions.

It focuses on three key areas:

  • combatting global anti-semitism
  • Israel
  • Campus and high school Israel advocacy [1]



Aha Foundation | AMCHA Initiative | American Foreign Policy Council | American's for Peace and Tolerance | The Algemeier | Camera | Centre for Security Policy | City of David | ClubZ | David Horowitz Freedom Centre | Deisi | EMET | [FuenteLatina]] | Hasbara Fellowships | Hillel of Silicon Valley | Human Rights Voices | IMTI | Institute for Curriculum Services | IPT | ISGAP | Israel's Media Watch | Israeli Peace Initiative | Israel Allies Foundation | Jerusalem U | Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs | The Jewish Statesmanship Centre | Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa | Kohelet Policy Forum | The Legal Forum for Israel | Lisa Kampner Hebrew Academy | MEOR | Middle East Forum | The Middle East Media Research Institute | NGO Monitor | Palestinian Media Watch | RAJE | Regavim | SIGNAL | Students Supporting Israel | Tazpit News Agency | UN Watch | Women in Green | Zionist Organisation of America | [2]


  1. MZ Foundation, Home, organisational website, accessed 9 November 2015
  2. Grantees, Mz Foundation website, accessed 9 November 2015