Tackling Terrorism All-Party Parliamentary Group

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The Tackling Terrorism All-Party Parliamentary Group or the TTAPPG was set up with a purview 'to examine, evaluate and develop policies on tackling terrorism.'[1]


Officers as of July 2015

Officers as of March 2014

Members as at March 2015


The current contact information given by the official House of Commons document is as following:

Chair Mr Khalid Mahmood MP: House of Commons; London; SW1A 0AA; Tel: 020 7219 8141 Email: mahmoodk@parliament.uk.

For Public Enquiries, further information is provided;

Elaina Cohen, House of Commons;London SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 8141. Email: cohene@parliament.uk

There is currently no website for the Tackling Terrorism All-Party Parliamentary Group.


  1. Register of APPGs at 30 March 2015Parliament website, accessed 5 October 2015
  2. Register of 30 March 2015Parliament webstie, accessed 5 October 2015