Janet Anderson

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.
Revolving Door.jpg This article is part of the Revolving Door project of Spinwatch.

Janet Anderson is the managing director of Pearson-Anderson Communications Ltd, associate consultant at Pandic Ltd and a former Labour Party MP.

Anderson's partner is Labour Party MP, Jim Dowd.


Anderson began her career in 1972 as a personal assistant to the editor of the Sunday Times business news and office manger. She then moved to working as a personal assistant to Labour Party MPs Barbara Castle and Jack Straw.

In 1987 Anderson moved to Central Lobby Consultants as a partner and associate director.

She then moved back to politics, working as a campaigns officer for the Labour Party, before working for the Shopping Hours Reform Council as the Northern regional organiser.

In 1992 Anderson was elected as the Labour Party MP for Rossendale and Darwen. She held this position until the 2010 election, where she lost to Jake Berry of the Conservative Party.[1]

Since 2012 Anderson has been an associate consultant at Pandic Ltd and since 2015 the managing director of Pearson-Anderson Communications Ltd.[2] Anderson's jobs were declared on her partner's Register of Members' Financial Interests due her being 'engaged in lobbying the public sector on behalf of a third party or client'.[3]




  1. BBC News Rossendale & Darwen 2010 general election results, accessed 23 July 2015.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Linkedin Janet Anderson, accessed 23 July 2015.
  3. Parliament Publications Register of Members’ Financial Interests as at 13 July 2015, accessed 23 July 2015.