Patrick Brinkmann
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Patrick Brinkmann is a 'Swedish-German millionaire businessman' who formerly (until 2011) led the anti-Islam Pro Berlin party and in 2011 was also international secretary of Pro Bürgerbewegung.[1]
According to research carried out by British group Hope Not Hate in 2011, Brinkmann 'has sought to fund and establish an anti-Islamist party in Germany as part of a broader pan-European network of anti-Islamist, populist parties which would include ultra-nationalist elements in Israel'.[1]
He founded a think tank called Continent Europe Foundation (KES) in 2004, with the reported aim 'to unify the European far-right'.[1]
Brinkmann reportedly donated 5 million Euros to Pro NRW in 2010.[1]
- Pro NRW - donor
- Pro Bürgerbewegung - International Secretary in 2011[1]
- Bürgerbewegung pro Berlin - former leader (until 2011)[1]
- National Democratic Party (NDP) - 'closely linked'
- German People's Union (DVU) - 'closely linked'
- Continent Europe Foundation (KES) - founder[1]