Sue Beeby

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Sue Beeby is a special adviser to Jeremy Hunt.[1] From 2010-2012 she advised the secretary of state for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and continues to work with Hunt in his new role as the secretary of state for the Department of Health in 2012.

Lunching with lobbyists

On 18 March 2011 Beeby had lunch with Bell Pottinger's Good Relations and on 21 September 2011 lunched with PR and lobbying firm Pagefield. No information is provided on what was discussed or who attended. [2]




  1. Department of Information Services, "Parliamentary Information List", accessed 07.09.10
  2. Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Special advisors' meetings with outside interests, 1 Jan - 31 Mar 2011, accessed 12 April 2012