Centreground Political Communications

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Centreground Political Communications is a new political comms firm set up by Darren Murphy, a former assistant political secretary and special adviser to former UK prime minister Tony Blair. [1]


PR Week reported in October 2011 that:

It is expected that the new operation will not be a straight public affairs outfit but will instead specialise in offering campaigning advice to governments, corporates and NGOs wishing to occupy the political centre ground.
It is understood Murphy, a loyal Blairite, plans to link up with a number of former colleagues who share his political outlook. A well-placed source said Murphy had spoken to a number of Blairites with campaigning experience about his new venture.
Murphy confirmed he had left APCO to establish the consultancy but said he was not yet in a position to speak further.[1]



Publications, Contact, Resources and Notes


Address: 4 Millbank, Westminster, London, SW1P 3JA
+44 20 7 1010 711



  1. 1.0 1.1 David Singleton, APCO's Darren Murphy to start venture with ex-Downing Street colleagues, 29 Sept 2011, accessed 5 Oct 2011
  2. Principals, Centreground Political Communications website, acc 15 August 2012