Christian Action, Research and Education

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Christian Action, Research and Education (usually shortened to CARE) was established in 1971 as the Nationwide Festival of Light. According to the political scientist Martin Durham it emerged in the 1970s as ‘an evangelical campaigning organisation opposed to homosexuality, abortion and other manifestations of what was seen as the nation’s falling away from God’[1] In 1983, according to CARE itself, 'the Executive Committee took the decision to change the name of NFOL to CARE (Christian Action Research and Education)'[2]



Former Staff

Trustees for year ended 31 March 2009

Trustees (2007)

Accessed August 2008: [5]

Financial history

Annual Report and Financial Statements

Summary Information Returns


The CARE Annual Report for 2009 notes that CARE is connected with CARE Campaigns | The Micah Trust | The Maranatha Trust | The Alan Burke Memorial Trust | The Office of International Diplomacy[4]

  • Coalition for Marriage, set up in February 2012 ahead of the UK government's consultation on legalisation of gay marriage. Care chief executive Nola Leach is a director.


Head Office:
53 Romney Street


  1. Martin Durham ‘The Conservative Party, New Labour and the politics of the family’, ‘’Parliamentary Affairs’’, 54 (3): 459. (2001)
  2. CARE History of CARE, accessed 5 September 2010
  3. House of Lords Register of Interests of Lords Members' Staff [As at 7th September 2010 Section 1: List of Staff From Abercorn to Goodfellow] Session 2010-11Publications on the internet
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 CARE Annual Report and financial Statements, For the tear ended 31 March 2009
  5. 2007 Annual Report, Christian Action Research and Education, accessed August 21, 2008.