Will de Peyer

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Will De Peyer is special adviser to the Chief Secretary of the Treasury Danny Alexander.[1]


De Peyer has a background in banking. He has been a Liberal Democrats economics adviser for several years and has previously spoken out in favour of inheritance tax - contradicting Conservative policy - and has opposed Conservative tax breaks for married couples.[2]

Low-key and said by colleagues to be a “good listener who doesn’t try to dominate meetings”, de Peyer started work for the Lib Dems in 2004, staying until 2007 when he left to take a job in banking. He returned to the party in 2009, advising Vince Cable and Lord Oakeshott and Lord Newby on economic policy. Until the 2010 election he wasn’t shy of attacking the Conservative Party: he once tweeted “I’ve never voted Tory,” following this up with “and I never will because they kill kittens (allegedly)”. His Twitter feed is now defunct.

Contact, Resources, Notes


Twitter: http://twitter.com/willdepeyer (no postings since May 2010)


  1. Department of Information Services, "Parliamentary Information List", accessed 07.09.10
  2. Louise Armistead, "George Osborne's Treasury team - the power behind the coalition government", The Telegraph, 13.05.10, accessed 13.09.10